New Rank Icons Discussion

Masters - Why is it green now…?
Top500 - Didn’t show :frowning:
Champion - Good (I’m getting this rank 3x Purple shiny Icon count me in)
GM - Good
Diamond - Meh
Everything below - Trash

GM + Champion (Seem like they have animation effects like OW1 where Top500 had lightning through the icon, GM had a sparkling to it, and Diamond had a very strong shine to it.

top 500 is still the same

masters looks like plat now its kinda ugly

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They really going to make me get Champion 5 and stop playing so I don’t have to see the Top500 Icon.

Emerald now maybe?

… dunno…

I’m just mad that we have the normal OW2 icons until Plat and then the design just complete changes for no reason.