Reaper is not meta at all. And at high ranks, he’s barely played at all.

I don’t get his nerf.

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LP buff seems more legit for heroes that are not hitscan and got no stun snare slow or whatever to defend themself. But for McCree what?

I’m trying McCree in practice range and I genuinely can’t notice a difference with deadeye atm?

Edit: So I’m dumb. It’s basically exactly what it says it does. He used to be locked once he used deadeye, but he has free movement now

Been testing orisa and baptiste mainly on PTR.
Orisas damage feels AWFUL, extremely noticable.
Baptiste feels TERRIBLE as well.


Finally an actual nerf for Hanzo.
That projectile speed nerf for him did literally nothing.


Make it 50 and give projectile speed back?

Fine for me I guess, still a glass cannon.

Good changes, but Fortify needs that 50% back and 8s cd, 2 good 1 bad nerf.

Eh, slower rate of fire is better compared to a range nerf that makes him starting to look similar to all those mid-short range tanks. Orisa is still unique in that way and this only makes it more so.

Right change but might be a bit overboard. Buff regen burst cd by 2s maybe?

I think it’s the time between shooting and being able to shoot again. So I think both Mcree and Bap will shoot slower (baps being his heal).

I think the changes to Sigma are nice, the ones to Orisa aren’t, I don’t think Reaper needed changing because now he’ll be back to how he was before. Goodness knows why they brought Mcree health up, probably because they’re forcing dive and they want him apart of that meta (so he can survive dive easier).

It’s amazing how they harsh nerf almost all healers and tanks and unfavourable DPS but popular DPS get tons of buffs and only minor nerfs. I can’t believe they give Mcree extra health but not Sym, who, by the way, doesn’t have a stun or the damage output and is completely ignoring all Symmetra players pleas for extra health. But who cares right cause she’s ‘low skill’ and ‘off meta’.

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I think the Sigma nerfs are unwarranted and the Orisa/Bap nerfs are a bit overkill. Happy to see Hanzo actually getting a nerf and them finally realizing Reaper’s high amount of lifesteal was stupid. The Mccree change I will have to see in action, I’m glad they toned his speed back down though.


like one of them would be fine, did anyone really complain about her dmg she does less than soldier and hes supposed the worst dps ever, yeah the slowness nerf ill deal with but increasing the cooldown essentially puits her back into state before her rework WHAT WAS THE BLOODY POINT FOR CHRIST SAKE.

god it was only last year where she was the worst tank getting run over by just reinhardt and lucio, i guess moving faster whilst shooting really was what made her op :confused:

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A lot of weird changes

Not weird, just plain terrible.
I’ve never hated a PTR patch so much lol


What does this mean


Hell yeah. Now these are the changes I wanted to see. I wish they’d undo the duration nerf of IF, but those changes to him look good and make sense.

So glad they are finally nerfing Orisa and Sigma’s damage too. I’ve been advocating for that for a long time and told all y’all that nerfing the shields that way would just reinforce double shield.

I’m feeling good

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Who on earth asked for 50 more hp on McCree, like WHO?


Makes me feel bad that I haven’t made a “this is what I think the game needs balance wise” posts.

Look sensible to me… I love Orisa because I could burn them all down. This will force me to adapt. Like it.

It’s when you fire the deadeye, your viewmodel is no longer locked and you can move the camera now during the firing.

NGL she might as well be shooting noodles, not to mention, because she does less damage it means her ult charges slower. Stupid nerf. I like the halt nerf, the rest are overkill.

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As a frequent Orisa player I’m okay with nerfs to the halt. I can be convinced that her overall kit was too strong, and halt can still be useful with a nerf to duration or range.

But they’ve reversed the buff to fortify that had compensated for the nerf to her barrier, and they’ve nerfed her damage. Last night, for about the fifth time, I had teammates yelling at me, and then insulting me after the game, because I couldn’t keep a barrier up.

Orisa is already a crapshoot. If the opposing team focuses her barrier, it’s useless, and they don’t stop shooting when it’s down LOL. And fortify is now going to be weaker than ever.

Orisa is going to be pointless without Sigma. Double barrier or no barrier. It now takes two tanks to do a barrier.


He’s a pub stomper(any rank below diamond) and is oppressive to most of the tanks if DPS don’t pick him off. Reaper can be a tank buster without basically being an I win button against the tanks.

Yep, they went far overboard with the Orisa/Sigma/Bap nerfs. I hope Jeff is truthful when he says balance updates will be a lot more frequent.