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Recently picked up Overwatch after years of Counter Strike. Playing as Mccree because of hit-scan.
From day 1 this acrobatic cyber ninja did very bad thing to my bottom part together with tracer. When I eventually start to understand hero abilities and how to counter them tracer was not that big of a problem (skill match up) but this full metal shinobi was still a problem.
Flashbang can be inconsistent so landing it above or below Genji can be challenging especially when you consider the fact that he can dash, infinitely double jump and wall climb. If you mess up your flashbang you are practically dead if you don’t manage to land 2 head shots back to back on a moving target before he one shots you with dash right click punch (not really sure if this is the combo).
From my experience every single time I died in deathmatch was either because I messed up or I was simply outclassed. But that’s not the case with Genji. Of course there were some really good Genji players that were simply better than me but that is the scariest thing to play against. Most Genji players are bad and get away with it by playing an overpowered hero but when you meet a good Genji you can’t really do much.
Edit: Wrote Brig in title but I realized I don’t really have enough experience against her so nvm.
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Welcome to overwatch!
Yeah, what you are feeling right about now makes sense
Both Brig and Genji are top tier picks right now,
Genji got buffed not long ago and the devs went a bit overboard with his changes (keep in mind genji was a mid/low-tier character for very long, so when they finally adressed him they kinda went overboard) they said they are giving him a minor nerf soon
For brig, she just got a hefty nerf a while ago, her E previously added an extra 50 armor on those who she repair packed, but that got deleted (rip brig)
For your hero, Mc he is also a top tier pick, but he is rather hard to get value out of, generally Soldier76 is a very strong hitscan for new players, though he falls off as the ranks climb, he is very strong (id even call him too strong) when used on new/less experienced/ less skilled players
new player? you are at level 128, how is that a new player?
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Genji is very strong right now, the devs hav said they will be nerfing him.
i didnt notice that lol.
i just took for granted that he was a new player, i dont see why he´d lie about that unless he is trying to make a hidden “nerf genji” thread
I doubt you are a new player mainly because you are talking bout what 90% of people on forums are, and most new players dont even really come on forums
I didn’t play before the buff but it seems he was balanced then. If you have a hero that requires a lot of skill its normal that players who havent mastered him yet suck with him. If you have a high skill hero low winrate is kinda normal. Similar to League of legends.
ehhhhhhh he wasnt particularly bad but he also wasnt particularly good
i made a forum post about his situation back then before he got buffed, if you want to know more about (my take) on the matter Click here
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Started playing like a month ago. I have 3.5k hours in CS and the 100hrs-ish I have in overwatch seems small.
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Since you are new you should focus on getting good rather than complain about some hero being “overppwered.”
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I’m new to overwatch. I’m not new to video games. At some point I have visited every forum for every game that I played for at least 50 hours.
I wouldn’t say I’m bad. Just looked up my stats and I spend 100 hours before playing a ranked game. Almost got to plat from bronze in a single day.
I don’t mean to brag. Checked other posts on forum and as MagyTheMage said,
almost everyone seems to agree that Genji is overpowered.