New patch notes revealed

New patch notes for OW2 were recently leaked(?) by an OCE contenders player in a twitter thread

Of course these are not confirmed to be the final patch notes we get but apparently its what is being used for scrims in T2 atm

Hear are the changed.

Overhealth now grants 50% less ult charge instead of 100%

Primary fire dmg increased from 24 to 25
Minimum falloff increased from 20 to 25

Ironclad passive is back (20% dmg reduction while transformed)
Boosters impact dmg increased from 10 to 25
Micro Missiles now last 7 seconds instead of 8
Call mech Ult cost reduced by 12%

Commanding shout:
Allied health increased reduced to 50 from 100
Allied buff duration decreased from 5 seconds to 3
Temp health no longers decays
Cooldown increased from 11 to 15 seconds

Base health increased from 250 to 275
Base armor increased from 250 to 275
Javelin cd decreased from 8 to 6 seconds

Spread decreased from 8 to 7 degrees

Railgun energy generated from non players reduced by 50% (Bob, shields, turrets)

Hack ability lockout increased from 1 to 1.75 seconds

Inspire duration reduced to 5 seconds instead of 6


Well you are a bit late people shared that already.

Imo it shows blizz devs still clueless like they used to be.


Ah I didnt see any posts about it so I thought id put it up.

But TBH its not the worst balance changes weve gotten. Im just happy they didnt gigabuff someone who didnt need it tbh

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No support buff except Bap, wuat


Supports didn’t need buffing that’s why.

JQ needed heavy nerfs, and a couple of other bits they seem to have done seem sensible.


Outside of like mercy supports didnt really need buffs


Well I would say she is with those nerfs pretty useless outside of high level or OWL. Maybe they ruined her for the normal players already before most of them could get the hands on her. Its sad tbh. I dont like this direction.

I dont think JQ will entirely die out. Those nerfs does put her in a better spot maybe a bit on the weaker half of tanks but thats not gonna stop people in plat and below to just lock her. Cause she still has her small hitbox paired with survivability.

Good Dva buffs despite it being relatively minimal.
Maybe her winrate goes to 49% lol

Booster damage is great to have back


Dude… she was nerfed multiple times and people did not even know how to play or counter her when the beta ended. They still nerfed her for the sake of OWL and still continue. I dont know what you think is gonna happen but besides shout she has no team utility. Rather play Winston, Zarya, Rein, Sigma or heroes with more mobility.

Nerfing her sucks without getting data from the normal game.

Good. Watching games with her in was tedious

Playing games with her in wasn’t a huge amount of fun either.

I was expecting a hit box increase on her since they mentioned it a bit.

I think she’ll still see good amounts of play though. We’ll see

Keep in mind that we will have some other changes on launch, cause we are playing with Kiriko and the OWL / OWC playing with Beta 2.

Who the hell wants to watch OWL. This dumpster fire can just fade away. And she is a new hero. Just because you dont like her its not a reason to trash her.

Thats not how balance works.

The smaller hotbox offsets her low HP pool. So I think its fine. I am sure people try her and play with her for a while until they get reported or flamed for throwing the game with her. She shares so much with Roadhog and you see where he is in OW2. I am skeptical.

Every is allowed to enjoy what they enjoy.

JQ wasn’t nerfed because people didn’t enjoy her. They nerfed her because she was far too stong and no one wants a new goats comp to run through ranked.

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Two of the three nerfs were implemented without data from the real game so to speak and just for OWL. She was nerfed because people did not wanted to see her in every game. Not because she was strong in the normal game because we will never have the stats to back this up.

So OWL mostly was the reason for nerfs and I think we normal player will feel this.

Changes show they still have no idea how to balance the game

Bastion will still suck because he has the hitbox of a tank without the extra health pool. Also, why is it still only while he is transformed??? How often is bastion even transformed anymore? His turret mode is now on a cooldown and a duration. I didnt even know they removed the passive considering its uptime in ow2 will be less than in ow1.

Completely overbuffed this hero whilst ignoring the actual issue. Dmg buffs to a tank that already shreds people. What a joke. Dva’s weakness is her survivability not her damage. She is entirely reliant on her DM and without it up she feeds. So why not…… increase her survivability :scream:

If ‘allied’ effects include JQ herself, way to kill the hero. If JQ shout now only gives her 50 health she will be worthless. Also the cooldown from 11 to 15 :grimacing::grimacing::grimacing::grimacing: this hero is entirely reliant on this ability to work. Nerfing it to this degree will make her unplayable.

All this does is nerf junkerqueens solo and carry potential and punishes her because of how she interacts with her team. They should just remove the effect on teammates and make it an ability she solely benefits from. Balancing an ability based on how it effects her team rather than thinking about how it effects the hero herself is how we start killing tanks again. Tanks dont want to be reliant on their teammates and balance changes that punish tanks for they interact with their team shouldnt be either. Stop making changes that punish the tank player first and foremost.

Slowly we are nerfing this op hero thank god. Love how we kill JQ in 1 swoop but we take like 10 patches to take sojourn from S+ tier to S tier though :clown_face: really showing the dps bias over at blizzard

Somehow they manage to make sombra more annoying without fixing her actual issue, her lack of damage :roll_eyes: revert her base damage nerf and lower the hack bonus damage. Its not rocket science. Even a blind person can see this is a required change. Makes her more lethal and less reliant on hack to get kills.


They had weeks of data from the beta and internal testing, and owl/contenders.

The nerfs were very much needed.

These nerfs are completely killing the hero before launch. Brand new tank, DOA

Junkerqueen herself isnt even a problem, its how she interacts with her team thats the problem. And instead of nerfing that synergy, they are nerfing her directly. This just makes her as a solo tank worse when she was already not amazing to begin with while the same issues will still be a problem.

Nerfing the cooldown to 15 secs nerfs JQ herself and makes her so much less fun to play and worse when she wasnt already that good.

They should have removed the extra hp on her teammates entirely and then lowered the cooldown of her shout. That way she cant break the game and make her team tanks whilst allowing her to play more like a tank

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Internal testing has not enough data and were in the round already before the 2. beta was out. Then the nerfs because of 3 weeks of data already got in the game before the beta was completed. So OWL was a reason for 2 nerfs. Thats a fact. And I think this will suck for mostly lower rank players because how weak she will be.

100% agree. She is strong with Brig and Lucio with a good coordinated team. But is this the case in normal ranked? No. She will be F tier like Roadhog if nothing changes in November when everyone realizes this. It really sucks.