New passive is dumb

As a support main and a genji player this new passive is super dumb. First ill say the support passive is overpowered and needs removed like all passives only zen should have the support passive second as someone who plays a decent amount of genji this will make him and all flankers to strong and independent. Flankers should be independent on kills but the risk should be high and this is taking away alot of the risk second it makes snipers way to strong as well being if they take damage they are so far from the fight only flankers can keep pressure on them this wont effect mid range dps much like cassady or mei for example but flankers and snipers this is to much and shows once again that over arching passives a dumb and need removed all together


Agree :100:%.

If this comes to be what the game is, welcome to FlankerWatch. All other hero types are irrelevant. Snipers and divers all day everyday. Heal numbers become irrelevant. Only burst damage will matter.

Going to be gross :face_vomiting:


skill issue
who cares
we just want fun gamplay esports for weirdos

like they alread broke the game might as well break it more (give two tanks back


Yeah give me some solo free style mission where the goal is shoot Null sector bots and kill the boss with whatever hero I want and I’ll be happy.

You are the second person on here I’ve met who was shamelessly attracted to Ramattra, and there is nothing wrong with that.


Its a Symmetra nerf so I hate it already.

Meant to say kill, time for some coffee got twitchy hands… >.<

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With her 50% shield HP, on top of her Shield/Barrier leech, this will benefit her much like it does for Zenyatta.

Granted, she still has a pitiful TTK and it MIGHT effect her 2 tap more than any passive heal already does…

if you are a genji main, you shouldnt be seeing the support passive kick in.

You have the tools and damage out put to stay on them and keep it so their passive never kicks in while engaging them.

If it does trigger, and stays active long enough for them to get around break points you messed up hard. that is ia failure on your end in any situation where you didn’t purposely disengage.

im not im a support main and see it as op on my sid the amount of value it gives is to much ontop of the self healing supports have

Yeah it is dumb. For as long as supports get to keep their unnecessary better version I don’t see any reasonable argument to remove it though.

how so?

As prior it just meant your other support would top you off, on down time. Or just pop a shot your way when your taking chip damage.

And that if your not running something like brig or lucio that’s always doing that anyway.

Mercy has always had this passive from the beginning, so I think she should get to keep it as well.

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She gets health regen already. She loses out on faster reload…

Are there patch notes that show a reload nerf?

If Blizz didn’t want us to smooch him they would not have given him such a nice voice.


If we get a new passive, that means we get rid of the old one…

I’m in the wait and see camp.
I don’t think it’ll be that… Powerful? Outside of like Sombra and arguably snipers since it probably won’t kick in mid-combat for the majority of the roster.
It could possibly alleviate some risks of targeting supports like Bap, Kiri and Ana since forcing them to waste resources and time on you isn’t as risky without your own support friend tagging along so long as you can disengage you have the opportunity to recover a bit and snag a healthpack.

I’d trade Sympathetic Recovery for (near) monopoly on the “Support” Passive any day though, so if they axe the role passives and revert Mercy’s but extend it to/modify it for Zen I’m content.
They might need to look at Kiri if they do that, Suzu is OW1 Nade/Regen Burst&Lamp all over and I gotta say “balancing” a stupid good ability by making it the only source of self sustain a character has is not a great design trend. The ability is frustrating to fight into if the player isn’t stuck usually using it selfishly and hamstrung with long cooldowns by its potential team utility strength should they not need it selfishly.

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Same here. A lot of people are coming to conclusions when we don’t have any testing nor do we have actual patch notes. I feel like if done right we can have a fun mixup to the game that changes the way people play for a season. On the other hand, it could make a really miserable season but we won’t know till we actually get the chance to play it.