New Overwatch support hero

I have created a concept for a overwatch hero. The ticket team seemed to really like the wish that they would play. Here’s a short summary without spoiling.

The first transgender character within overwatch She would be A Canadian support hero And her would be very versatile and aerodynamic You can also expect you to have a little helpful friend along the way And you can help your teammates and put a real shock on your enemies I don’t wanna go into too much, but I would eventually talk to the developers I’ve gotten work done and her personality with other stuff written as well, but it’s not my choice to make if she gets in or not, and how the character is treated, but I would be honoured to get the chance to voice her if I’m able to and I would be so happy if she was able to get in the game I want to make this reality but at the same time keep it a surprise for everyone

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(post deleted by author)

Hey, his/her idea is as fictional as Blizzards supprt webpage for sending appeals lol

Sorry about posting on the wrong page earlier.I’m kind of new to forms but not to overwatch.I’m very passionate about getting the hero of xylo I do want her to maybe make it into the game.One day I know i’m Being very blind about what she does but I don’t want to spoil her mostly