New Mode - Same Terrible Match Making

I’m really at a loss as to why most matches are one-sided stomps. For the longest time, people blamed it on the volatile nature of 5v5.

Well, from my experience 6v6 hasn’t improved anything.

So I ask again - what did you guys do to the match making? OW1 was never this bad.

It’s not fun. And if you guys can’t figure this out, I honestly don’t see how any new mode can be fun and rewarding.

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I really feel like the matchmaking is tighter since OW1. I play in groups a lot with a mixed-rank group of friends, and it always felt in OW1 like me (very high rank) being in the group would wreck the match for them, because we’d all get matched against people of my level.

In OW2, it actually matches by role, so what happens now is that I have a counterpart on the other team in my role that’s my level, and my friends are also playing against people of their level in their role. That feels better to me. My plat tank buddy can actually tank with me in the lobby without having to go against a GM tank that’s going to roll him.

They said that the matchmaker is working as intended and hero design is what might be the reason. Which … i mean Anyone could tell you.


what do you expect this season has thad the lowest player count turnout yet the game is in bad shape…honestly todays matches was depressing

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The same people who run to all corners of the map to 1v5 everything in 5v5, just repeat the process in 6v6. That’s my observation anyhow, as a solo-queue support player.

The team that has the most people sticking together, where at least one tank and one support and a dps are working together, wins. The matches are just horrendous blowouts though. Once one team stumbles it seems tough for them to reverse the tide.

The only sad upside (maybe), is that I see so many backfills, that it seems to knock out the challenges for games played pretty quickly.


It amazes me that so many people cannot understand that a team game requires you to at least be in the proximity of your teammates.

But at this point I’m convinced that the stomp problem is not specific to 5v5.

For all the adjustments they claim to have made to the match making, I’ve seen little improvement.

This 6v6 trial just further highlights the problem.

They did something to the match making. I don’t know what, but it was never like this in OW1.