New Mercy ability: Self-Sacrifice. Fun, Skillful, and Balanced!

Self-Sacrifice: Mercy trades 50hp of her own health for 50hp to her beam target when healing OR Mercy provides double ult charge to beam target for 2 seconds while damage boosting, but receives 30% extra damage for those 2 seconds (Basically discords herself). Activated by using the reload button with her staff. 6 second cooldown, both abilities are tied to the same cooldown. After using this ability, Mercy’s passive regen cooldown is increased to 3 seconds. If Mercy does not have 50hp, she can’t use the heal ability. (Mercy’s accidentally fat fingering the reload button & killing themselves might be a bad idea)

-Mercy’s ult charge rate is increased by 5% - Valk currently charges at a fine rate, if Mercy gets a little more heals her ult charge should be increased by a small amount to counter-balance the extra healing.

IMO Mercy needs a burst heal to solidify her role as a main healer, but she’s already pretty balanced so I thought an ability with a significant trade off and lots of counter play would be needed. Mercy has a very selfless personality so this should fit right in with her lore.

For damage boost, I was thinking of ways to buff it without making her pocket too strong. I concluded that is HAS to be an ult charge increase; nothing else makes sense (damage resistance would make PharMercy too strong)

I think being able to add extra ult charge to certain allies would be really fun. I love looking at my team’s ult economy and using that info to decide who to damage boost.

The increased cooldown on health regen is to provide legitimate counter play, urging the opposing team to pressure the Mercy so that she isn’t comfortable with loosing her own health.

And that’s something I miss about mass rez Mercy. She had so much value that the other team had to go and hunt you down. Usually with a flanker like, Tracer, Genji, or Sombra. That was really fun and engaging gameplay for both sides I think. This ability gives the other team a reason to go after the Mercy again.

Any comments or discussion is appreciated. I put a lot of thought into this and I have faith that this ability would be really fun for Mercy players AND it wouldn’t be oppressive to play against. It would mean a lot to me if any devs read this and think about it. Mercy means so much to me; that character is something unique that you can’t find in many other games. Cheers! and thanks for reading


Wow, thanks for the input.

One of the devs, Geoff Goodman (I think) made a comment about potentially making some changes to Mercy. He was replying to a question regarding turning her reload button into an ability and then he went off to talk about buffing damage boost.

Regardless of what you think about Mercy, the devs do seem to be looking into her.

Honestly, your comment is just rude. If you read any of my idea you’d see that there is actually lots of counter-play involved with it and I designed the whole idea around not making her too strong.


I only needed to see the first sentence to disagree with what you suggested in all honesty. Mercy’s fine and doesn’t need a re-work or ability changes like that.


Only acceptable if it lets you kill yourself as Mercy, because that sounds like fun.

clearly so much thought has gone into what you have to say!


Lol, fine. I’m cool with it

It’s almost like you could ignore the post and move on if you don’t agree, instead of contributing absolutely nothing to the discussion other than… Saying that you disagree.
At least get a little more detailed. Tell us what you don’t like about the changes. Don’t just say “she’s fine, so I didn’t read your post.”


People want Mercy to get a ‘rework’. Mercy doesn’t need any form of ‘rework’ at all.


i wouldn’t bother with these auto reply “mercy is fine, fun is subjective” bots!


You say that, but you’re not taking the time to considet what the changes might do at all. Like OP said, the devs are apparently taking some time to look into her (praise), so there’s clearly something wrong.


Pretty much. I’m just tired of people basically just spamming threads like this. All they wanted to do was present a well thought out post, and people respond without reading it at all.
Sometimes I swear that Mercy players are considered human trash by the rest of the community. It makes me sick.


Here is a suggestion:

Mercy’s new Ultimate Part 1: Resurrects everyone on the battlefield, including the enemy team.

“We decided to rollback all the changes we did to Mercy to reduce overall QQ of Moth Meta, as well as ‘die on the point, big plays inc’. Understandably, we realize that no one will ever be happy with the state of Mercy. We pondered the idea of turning Mercy into Tracer during her ult, but Tracer already fills that roll and she is our go-to balancing character”.

Part 2: “Additionally, to add some extra fun to the mix, all enemy players that are resurrected will spawn in your own spawn as ghosts with the ability to move through walls and have auto targeting, thanks to Mercy’s alignment with Soldier: 76. New Lore inc for Mercy folks :slight_smile:”.

Part 3: “Allied Heros resurrected will be forced to disconnect from the game, a symbol of how often computers crash during competitive games. Overall serve latency will increase 10x to compensate for Lucio’s speed buff changes”.


Take this as significant justification not to post suggestions on the forum.

that is your opinion and doesn’t make it ultimately true you need to understand that there’s two sides to each argument! the utter disdain is the issue that bothers me the most about people like you!


Mercy’s fine. It’s like people making threads that Baptiste’s Drone ability should have been Mercy’s from the start. Something I disagree with as when new Supports get added to the game. People get mad and creator more Mercy topics threads because they still miss mass resurrect which was the most overpowered and broken ability in the game.

It has been like 2-3 years now and most players haven’t moved on from it. If you don’t like the current Mercy, then you never liked her at all to begin with. I use her as a support every now and then if she is needed in the team composition or if teammates ask me to go Mercy. I’m not a one trick Mercy main but a Support Main.

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To you.

Because it was suggested as a potential ability for Mercy. My everyone even complained about it.

There are a lot of things wrong with this statement.
Sure, there were some who complained about Baptiste. They were upset that he was given a proper super jump and an ability that had already been suggested. Can’t blame them. But it didn’t last that long.
And… Not many want Mass Rez back. They want a rework. It also wasn’t even broken. It was just unhealthy. If it was broken, why was she rarely used in higher ranks? It was only an issue with lower ranks who didn’t know how to properly handle their ultimates.

Completely false. A huge portion of those who wanted it back before moved on, and now want to see her REWORKED. Why does everyone assume that this is all about Mass Rez? Look at the OP for crying out loud! They want something entirely different.


I seem more non-Mercy players bring up Mass Rez then actual Mercy players in threads where it’s not even mentioned nowadays.

Like yeah there’s a few Mercy players who still want it-but the times when a “buff for Mercy” or “a new idea for Mercy” there’s always somebody commenting “Mass Rez isn’t coming back”.

Um…they know? That’s why they didn’t include it in the thread?

Makes me wonder who are the one who REALLY can’t let go of it.


mercy is fine stat wise! but she has problems! rez doesn’t work well with the rest of her kit and Valkyrie is drawn out and doesn’t change the state of the fight!

that has nothing to do with the OP

false i personally don’t want mass rez back and very much prefer Valkyrie also i know exactly one person on the forums that wants mass rez back!
And mass rez wasn’t overpowered at all and it only worked in ranked because the SR system gauged mercy’s performance based on the number of rezzes she had done and “hide and rez” was a losing strategy because at higher ranks people would look for mercy before initiating a fight she was a noob-slayer just like the old bastion

i have. OP didn’t ask for mass rez and neither did I !

what kind of logic is that?
“they used to make cakes from flour, milk, eggs and sugar nowadays they make them from skittles and fish”
“yeah if you haven’t learned to love the new type of cake you’ve never liked cake in the first place”

i am not fazed by whatever this is supposed to prove!


i thought your were literally going to sacrifice Mercy during a teamfight Lol.

I think an alternative idea of a “self sacrifice” would be applying it to rez. Where if she rezzed someone, she sacrifices some of her health. Of course bring the casting animation down but not completely remove it.

But that’s what i was picturing when i see “self sacrifice”

The beam boost is kinda cool. Imagine winston boosted like that for two secs?

I wasn’t sure what to name the ability. I agree “self-sacrifice” seems a bit over-dramatic for loosing a chunk of health. I just couldn’t think of anything else that would fit the concept of giving some of your own health to someone else.