New Mauga created problem - people stop playing

Just had my 4th game in 2 days where my whole team just decided to stop playing because Mauga (and in 3 of the games, also Bastion) was/were just mowing us down. We literally couldn’t do anything. The games against mauga+bastion were just completely pointless. We didn’t even move the payload in 1 of them.

This game just gets worse and worse. Even the games we have played fully against mauga there is usually someone that just gives up. It’s so pointless if he has an ana and/or a kiriko and your team doesn’t.

In another game the mauga actually agreed to swap off as they realised the game was so one-sided and wasn’t going to be fun.

Why didn’t someone on your team play Mauga though?

I was tank and I don’t have Mauga - pay2win remember!

Just hit level 45.


I will happily play vs a mauga instead of having one on my team, hero isn’t good atm. Guess we shall see with his buffs on Tuesday.

Sounds like the enemy were just better players.

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Dva and Sig are great against him, Zarya and Rein are completely viable options.

Like if they have Maui, Ana, Kiri and Bastion and your team refuses to swap, group up, or do anything sure them going afk is annoying, but the match was already a wash, so just get it over with asap.

Btw current Maui isn’t OP at all, he’s honestly on the weaker side, and is getting buffs in the next couple days.

With that attitude winning will always be impossible for those people. Mauga is pretty weak after the nerfs. He is good vs big tanks without a shield, but thats about it.

Breaking the mental of you opponent is also a win condition. It often happens when heroes like Pharah, Bastion, Mei or Torb are played and winning.

I will just say, that you made that up, only because you want to make it look like even the enemy thinks he is unfair. Sorry, but no.

Mauga is weak to plain damage. Pick something with a lot of DPS or something with range and you will shredd him. If you focus the supports (like with orisa), he will just fall over and die.

I fear they created another skill check character, that low level players hate and that high level players see as a trolling hero.

Have you not heard of Dva or Sigma? They dunk on him.

Mei/Zen/Ana you don’t have to pay for them they wreck Mauga too.

He’s not good.

He’s one-dimensional. Stop that strat of him getting close to ignite a tank and he just becomes a bullet sponge in the neutral fight.

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Nope. They asked why we weren’t playing and one of our team said because mauga and bastion made it a waste of time and the mauga jumped off the map and changed. We lost anyway but it was good of them to change.

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Dont just reply to something you cant prove anyway and ignore the main statement of the comment.

Don’t call me a liar without any evidence. The match was pretty friendly after the mauga change - we even waited for him to get back and then carried on.

At low ranks Mauga+Bastion+kiriko and/or ana (and mercy if not both of those) is pretty unstoppable. In fact, it’s hard to get first point or you just get rolled on defence. Add in another constant damage hero like soldier or echo or sojourn and the whole thing just becomes pointless.

I dont care. The points are:

  • Mauga is not strong
  • Mental is a part of the game
  • the game cant be balanced around low rank
  • there are more than enough options to deal with him (after the nerfs)
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He is in the right team comp.

But it has to be in a state where it isn’t unplayable just because a team picks 2 or 3 heroes in combination. It’s not there just now with Mauga+Bastion+Ana/kiriko.

Not everyone has all the options nor does everyone play all the options. And on some maps heroes like Zarya are not great options as she gets completely shredded in open spaces.

Like ANY hero. This is not an argument. Yes, every hero can work in the right comp…

Its not unplayable. Especially with Bastion, they have a ton of burst damage, but NO mobility. That will help your team a lot.

Everyone has Bastion, Sigma, Orisa, Dva, Ashe, 76, Cassy, Junk, Pharah, Mei, Widow, Hanzo, Reaper and other heroes who can deal with Mauga.

In terms of “play the options”, then you will have to take the L. Its the same in every rank.

I think you’re looking too much at the win/lose scenario when the real problem is that playing into mauga is not fun. The whole gameplay around him, especially with bastion in tow as well as ana/kiriko, is not engaging gameplay. Even when you are making progress it is just an unfun gaming experience with the sheer amount of constant damage heading your way. Especially for the opposing tank.

Just like people always complain about Orisa being unfun to play into - one of the most unfun heroes if you are the other tank, mauga turns that fun-sucking gameplay loop up to 11.

People dont like ANY hero for X reason. Being OP or not, simply a personal bias is not reason enough to nerf a weak hero “just because”. Orisa is not good and will not be nerfed for this exact reason. Expect Mauga buffs, because he is to weak currently, if you like it or not.

This has to be some insanely low level lobby being played for people to just give up against Bastion/Mauga. A sigma/bastion or Rein/bastion I can see people possibly having issues with because there is too much defensive cover for all the range spam possible, but mauga/bastion are so insanely big that you have various long range spam DPS options against them.

S76, Echo, Torbjorn, Sojourn. Tanks are going to be rough since really only Sigma can put up with that much abuse and dish out a bit of damage from range. Though you have various support options that can make mauga/bastion rather doable as well. Ana plays. Zenyatta plays. A mercy pocket for some hitscan and herself being hard to hit and damage boost/heals from out of sight. Mobility to evade mauga rushing in or rez from long range kills.

There are so many options against a a defenseless mauga/bastion for DPS/support to use.

I find him clownish. I’m sitting out until he isn’t played as much.