you all need to download PTR its soo OPEN and gorgeous , also a hot air ballon is flying

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I mean, they hired a new map guy. So he’s making some random maps.


Deathmatch gets stale super quick
Workshop is super neat though and thats about the only quality the map brings.

Cant wait for the Sym/Sombra Bugs

Blizzard dangles a crumb of irrelevant, meaningless content that develops on the game in the most minimalist way possible:

“Here boy! I got your bone!”





“That’s a good dooog!”

The people who play this game are hilarious and utter comedy, for all the wrong reasons.

It’s quite a show though!

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I don’t see how it gets any more stale than the main modes do, you’re still free to play any character and most are viable choices

If you’re a Zarya player, then I understand



Wow a map that maybe 5% of the population plays.

Thank you Blizzard this saves the game.


As long as it replaces kanezaka as the default DM map it puts you in 90% of the time, I hate that map.

With these queue times, we need good DM maps.

If it wasn’t made for me, I don’t want it!!!

^ this how y’all babies sound right now lmao

Just because you don’t like it, don’t want it, or won’t use it, doesn’t mean it shouldn’t have been made. Lots of people like deathmatch and/or custom modes.


‘YOU ARE ALL BABIES!’ - Some guy having fun in a literal sandbox

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It’s fun for a few rounds, but ultimately not why I got into OW. Deathmatch has been a regular part of shooters for decades, and I’ve simply had my fill of this game type, and want something different.

I guess you could say I’ve played the mode to death (pun intended). :smile:

Still nice to see actual new content, even if it isn’t for a mode I don’t really play.

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Why yes, sandboxes were literally made for having fun and being creative. I’m so sorry you lack that ability :relieved:

Oh it’s on PTR, lovely for console players…

Never. With 2CP gone in OW2, they confirmed that they will just leave those maps be.
But I think they will reuse the 2cp maps for one of the unannounced game modes.

Got no space for PTR.

Hopefully it goes experimental soon, I want to test out the new FFA map.

The map features a touching memorial for Roberto Draghetti, the Italian VA of Soldier who passed away last year.

It reads: In memory of Roberto, extraordinary talent and unmistakable voice. Old soldiers never die.


Another damn ffa map. Holy gosh.

But it’s perfect timing because I’m learnjng italian so yay

Edit forgot about 5v5 f

The map is very physically tight, i like that. Might be good for some workshop modes I have in mind. Kinda reminds me of CS:GO

Amazing news! Instead of new maps for competitive (they removed 2 from the list) and new heroes, we get another ffa map! Hurray!

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Ehh. The only time I would see would be between matches anyway.