Just turn around
Someone else should handle every problem I may encounter. I shouldn’t work in a videogame. I am trying to have fun and Sombra stops that.”
Once again, so many threads complaining and here’s a vid with actual advice.
kiri alone hard counters sombra
How to counter Sombra:
- play near your support
- play Kiriko to cleanse virus
- Moira, Reaper, Mei or others that can self cleanse
Its all about how well you can play around your supports.
I play high sense on console so it’s so incredibly easy to just turn around and shoot her. Bonus points when I’m tracer and just proceed to chase her down.
I didn’t expect new Sombra to be doing that much better at lower ranks, if I’m honest with you. Even in metal ranks, after the first gank, people will usually play next to their team and be able to deny the kill. It’s only stubborn Widows and Zens that are up the creek from what I’ve seen so far.
I didn’t know that virus didn’t get any benefit from damage boosts. That’s a shame. I’ve just assumed that it did and have been chucking it through any IMAXs that Baps have planted down.
KarQ’s right about that Sombra translocator gameplay setting. I think CoolUsername posted about that tip here in the first days of neo Sombra and I’m grateful for it, since having instant camera control post-translocate is really important.
Sigh… Another.
“Just shoot it” is not a counter, that’s the entire principle of the game. If that is a counter, then every hero counters every hero.
Imagine shooting something in an FPS…
Just shooting her counters hack as 1 point of damage interrupts it, an unhacked virus does 10dmg plus 100 over 4 seconds any support outheals that, her DPS is actually quite low so you have quite a bit of time to either kill her or escape.
No, the basic principle of the entire game is not how to counter something.
“Just kill it” isn’t a solution to something being overpowered. That is the dumbest take in the history of dumb takes.
For any other character I would agree with you, but for sombra not so much, the counter isn’t just kill her it’s just be alert and deal any amount of damage to her in the window you get when she goes for hack once she loses her surprise it’s just like fighting any other flanker DPS.
She isn’t overpowered, quite the opposite in fact. And this is coming from a zen main.