New Hero Idea For Greek hero

Personally i would love a Greek themed hero.The same way mccree has a cowboy vibe then that guy would have a greek vibe. I imagine him having a modern metalic armor with an Ω symbol on his chest and he has a helmet that envelopes his face and the front of it has the design of a greek warriors helmet like in the movie Troy. His main attack could be Throwing a spear, a long range left click attack and his right click be a short sword doing the same damage.that would be great to fight off heroes like genji or tracer or even mccree if you survive his flashbang. as per his abilities i was thinking something called medusas eye where his helmet throws out a green light that makes one character(maybe aoe but i think with AOE it would be too OP. ) in front of them freeze like a statue and it would be long like ana’s sleep dart only here if a fellow hero of yours does enough damage to break the clay you can get out faster.imagine it if like ana puts you to sleep and then a soldier comes and shoots your body and you wake up kind of thing.friendly fire

Then another ability could be a passive with a cooldown called Hades Wish and every hero you kill with your sword you get a significant amount of health back or if you get a headshot with your spear from a certain distance you get a small cooldown boost( the passive is like a twin passive.Hades Wish and Zeus’s Demand. if you kill someone with your broadsword you regain some health but if you kill someone with your spear either with a headshot or from lets say 100 meters in the game you get a 2 second break on your cooldown.the trick here would be that this isn’t two passive but if you kill someone with your sword and regain health then this passive gets a 5 second cooldown and even if you kill someone with the spear you wouldn’t get Zeus’s order bonus…its Either OR )

Then finally the ultimate could be called Poseidons Heart and you choose between healing all your heroes for to full health and giving them a speed boost for 5 seconds and some armor or reducing cooldown on all your allies’s abilities to Zero and giving them a speed boost and lets say 50 armor.

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Good stuff

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