New hero : Floss

Hero Stats and info

Real name
Francis (Floss) Grange

Profession (before uprising)

British (Kings Row)


Hero Type
Main Support

The Stinger
A mid range needle pistol that shoots either a 1 shot or 3 round burst of medical needles, either healing allies or damaging enemies

75 damage for 1 shot or 200 in 3 round burst (same for healing singler but 175 for 3 round)

Rate of Fire
One shot per .8s or 3 round burst outputs 3 needles in 1s every 1.2 seconds

Projectile speed

Ammo clip

Ability 1

Anesthetic is a vapour that comes out of the Stinger, a bit like meis cryo freeze

It has a amount to shoot before you can sleep someone, same time as mei to freeze a person


5 seconds

Same as Ana for sleep time

Cooldown of 12s

Ability 2

Mirror is a ability that is thrown out in the same arc as torbs turret, it allows you to see around corners

Uptime and health
6 seconds and 150 health


Healers cloud

Floss puts out a massive 9m radius spherical cloud of healing

Healing output
100h/s per target in field


Ult cost

Cannot be hacked
Can be eaten

DM interaction
Dva can use dm to start eating the cloud
This will heal her but not team mates

Eat time
1m radius reduction per second of defense matrix up
Healing output

Francis Grange was a successful dentist and omnic supporter before and during the uprising of the null sector, though was not a supporter of the null sector themselves

He had his own practice and office for both humans and omnics

However, during the uprising, his office was destroyed in the crossfire between the null sector and overwatch forces

Watching the battle, one of the overwatch personnel was injured. Using his small knowledge of human biology after taking a course the year before, Francis managed to patch up the soldier well enough for them to continue.

The week later. He got a letter from Overwatch, urging him to join.

He accepted and became a crucial member during several events in the history of Overwatch.

If you have any questions about Floss
Feel free to drop them down below, and i will try to answer them


He seems like a very very weak hero :confused:

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i honestly came into this thread thinking it was a bout a hero that would do the floss :rofl:


Why would omnics need a dentist?



also im confused about the 3 round burst, 200 dmg? is that with crits?

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Base damage, not crits, but can do crits

so the 3 round burst would be an alternate fire, correct?

The ult seems kinda… meh. Same goes for his mirror ability. I guess I kinda like the idea of Vapor, but if it’s a mix between Ana and Mei, it seems like it should be one or the other. Mei’s freeze is not an ability, nor does it last as long as Anas sleepdart. Ana’s sleepdart is on a cooldown, but is instant.

If Vapor is an ability and takes time to have effect, how do you handle it when you get attacked, interrupted, etc. does the effect of vapor go away, does it go on cooldown?

Now… Vapor as an ability AOE sleep is a different story. While not being instant, it has the potential to sleep several targets. Buuuut that seems like a very annoying ability to deal with. Consider that making the ult maybe?

Not sure if a dentist in between a Crusader, engineers, pilots, soldiers, scientists, etc is interesting though.

I stopped reading after the thread title, because I hate his name. But my opinion on this hero is that he sucks

Anaptiste x)

20 char

Constructive criticism is required to progress the discussion in a civil manner. If you do not have the capability of posting a constructive comment or question, please refrain from posting negative personal opinions without sharing a valid reason as to why you feel that way.

Correct, it is, like zarya balls

Btw is Baptiste a baptist or is it just a funny coincidence?^^

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I was hoping he would be involved with cotton candy because “candy floss” and he is english. Oh well. Also medical needles as weapons would be a little to similar to medic from tf2

Is it a pistol that they wield, is it a burst potential gun

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Lol, thats quite funny

no u


No U, i mean yes u, i mean…


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can he do the fort nite dance