NEW: Hero Bans leaked to come to Overwatch + OWL S3 in the next few weeks

Good. Can’t wait to ban reaper in bronze.

I don’t believe anything before the devs announce it.

However if this means banning Hog & Moira from FFA all the merrier.

more shortcuts to avoid just balancing the game, unbelievable. I guess youtube streamers get their dumb wish finally, and the game gets destroyed for the rest of us.


Why has this become the assumed outcome?

Lucky, 1-2-3 won’t happen with the state of tanks. It’s physically impossible to solo tank in their current state, it’d need a vast rebalance to heroes like Zarya and Hog.

Edit: it could, but as said, the entire tank roster would need a second to look at. Which could take months of PTR testing and changes.

Take rainbow six siege as an example of what a pick and ban system can do. Operators deemed to powerful by the players in the lobby could be removed from player entirely. Operators that have a bug can be banned so stop bug abusers. I doubt hero bans would be used in a different manner to this and rather used to make teams have to quickly adapt without essential parts of a team comp.

It would show the devs heroes people hate playing against at certain ranks and hopefully encourage them to change those heroes to some degree.


So now even more people will private profile to stop the enemy from banning their mains. Severely harms one tricks, which is a double edged sword.


Yesss, hero bans and a scoreboard please AND remove private profiles in some way in competitive matches

I think it would do the opposite, if they had hero bans in each game of competitive rather than season bans for heroes. It would just restrict players from always using the top meta picks and force people to get creative with the more limited hero options to form a good comp.


If theyre going to have Hero Bans, leave it in Pro Play.


Heroes in OW are way too unique not to have mirror matches.

You can’t substitute a taken hero with someone else.

We’d need more overlapping heroes to think of no mirrors.


Sucks if your favourite hero is the one that gets banned for 6 months because Blizzard can’t balance their game.

‘Banned hero’ will just be a 7th meta pick. Calling it now.

Also, Sigma will be the banned meta pick.


If this happens to be true, i 100% support it. OWL balancing has always held back good balancing for ladder play. With hero bans in pro play, they can actually focus on making every hero viable for the main game without having to worry that they might become an issue for the league.


If Hero Bans go through, things like “BAN (THIS HERO) OR I WILL THROW” will be common place.


oh god no this is a huge mistake and this will only hurt the player base and can really hurt those who main certain characters and when someone cant play the other charcters its gonna cause a major rise in reports of gameplay sabotage


Well, this might actually just make me stop playing OW entirely.


Hero bans should never happen, at least not now, we don’t have enough tank/support heroes.


It would be a bit risky to allow team chat during hero bans as people might ban off metas their teammates want to play. I know I’d always ban Sombra to keep one off my team.

I’ve seen what hero bans do in Paladin’s, and I hate it. Same heroes that the general populous hate being banned endlessly, there’s only really a lot of variety in the lower ELO’s where people have more opinions on what heroes they don’t want to go up against.
Maeve, Evie, Strix
Maeve, Evie, Strix
Maeve, Evie, Strix

I expect to see a similar pattern in the form of Widowmaker, Hanzo, Doomfist. I am willing to do all I can to protest against this.

59 shots, 1 kill,


hero bans? what the actual F game’s ruined bye i’m gonna one trick hag in dbd.

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