New Halloween game mode is fun

Yeah but reaper can fly in wraith form tho

I donā€™t think you understand how counter-productive it is to put flying on a character with nothing other than shotguns.

I played Ashe on my first game and I got a bunch of damage boost talents in a row. I was able to one tap 250HP heroes by myself, 10/10 mode

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Yeah, I love all of it so far. Experimenting with builds is super fun. Losses werenā€™t so frustrating when I was having fun with a unique build.


youre just having a completely different conversation bro

I play Dva so I do infact know lol has the benefit of a 300 ton armored mech to protect her as well as a built in Defense Matrix in case her armor and health pool arenā€™t enough.

Besides the practicality and the value of it, itā€™s just a boring concept thatā€™s been spoken about ever since the first recall trailer in OW1. Mei gets to roll around in a giant ice ball, Genji gets to launch his slashes, and Reaper getsā€¦ temporary levitation. I assume this is something that is reasonable to be disappointed about.

Itā€™s not like thereā€™s a ton they really can do with reaper.

That rework will come in another two years at this rate

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The main issue with this mode, imo, is randomized talents. Itā€™s like you roll the dice to find out if you get to have fun or if you get to struggle that game.


Its build based. You must create an build that combine cards to get advantage. Its simple to understand. Each round you can discard an card.

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Yeah lol you play bad then the fault is gamemode? okā€¦

Did you never played an Card based RPG in your life? Lmao.

Not only card based. Tier based each new weapon level/tier modify stats (dmg, heal, cooldown)

Moira with the 2.3 second fade and 60% extra movement speed



not when they arenā€™t selected. also most people are better on phara than on hitscan.
Its usually not a bad thing running pharmercy especially considering theres a chance there wonā€™t be a single hitscan on the enemy team.

The matchmaking is horrible. Games are as hard as comp games even though itā€™s supposed to be an arcade mode. So much for just chilling and having fun. I now have to play at a GM level just to win a game in ARCADE. Usually arcade game modes give me easy games where I can just chill. But this one decided I need to have 0 fun all night.

Why does it have to be koth only? Koth is one of the most tilting game modes. I rather play on push and even clash. Awful game mode with awful maps that should have been reworked before Dorodo was.

Lastly, why is dva even in this mode? Iā€™m glad she is, but the devs did not put heroes that synergize well with her and and the maps suck for her too. The support line up is truly terrible. Why are you forcing us to play with Mercy Zen or Mercy Moira? You added dva but did not add Juno or Ana? No wonder everyone picks Reinhardt.

Why are there passives buffing dvas ultimate that donā€™t even make it a useful ultimate. I would hope that in an arcade mode where you get silly buffs, dva bomb would be allowed to be useful, but itā€™s still completely useless. You know who doesnā€™t have a useless ultimate? Reinhardt. Who gets to auto win because shatter is up? Reinhardt. Dva doesnā€™t even feel like she has an ultimate. Though that applies to the normal game as well.

I really enjoyed playing reaper. Heā€™s really good into several skills the enemies have.

I got a card where his health regen affected every friendly in a radius. The enemy had an orisa and i had extra damage on guns, less spread and firing speed on exiting wraith.

I kept the orisa busy and regened my team off her while my team dismantled the rest.

I found it very enjoyable. Havenā€™t played anyone but reaper from the dps so far.

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The RNG is badā€¦ They have the same issue as push maps! If you get bad luck on both team mates choosing heroes and cards the game takes to long to end!

You can make your mech explode every time youā€™re demeched.
You can make her ult into a mini black hole that sucks everyone in. Launching that above the ilios well with everyone on the point feels like a succesful orisa pull from ye olden days of ow1.

I still havenā€™t seen all the cards, but iā€™m sure there are still ones that are fun for self destruct.

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Any competent team just kills you immediately and then hides behind the corner before it detonates.

Itā€™s not a strong enough suck to make up for the fact that the ultimate is countered by everything. They also gave it a slower explosion time. I only got this one once but Iā€™m not very hopeful it will manage to be any fun at all.

If your response was something along the lines of ā€œthey canā€™t just make dvaā€™s ultimate a free win, they have to give it a compensation Nerfā€ then tell me why Reinhardt (and several other heroes) is allowed to have an auto win ultimate even in the main game?

I doubt anyone will stand close enough to make that work.

I guess it depends on your elo.
In my games everyone is basically hugging the well and other ledges. Itā€™s really fun for me though XD

Yeah unfortunately it is throwing me in GM lobbies or something because the games feel harder than or as hard as comp. I donā€™t get to have any fun with this game mode.

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