Dva with the reduced spread and fire rate is tons of fun. You actually become sniper Dva.
Being able to chose ability changes at all is just fun to do
Dva with the reduced spread and fire rate is tons of fun. You actually become sniper Dva.
Being able to chose ability changes at all is just fun to do
Idea is fun, execution is EXTREMELY bad.
Have a team of Orisa (or Rein) + Ashe + Genji + Moira + Mercy and only the cards will decide who will win.
Ashe and Genji war way too overpowered and the durability of rein and orisa together with mercy healing makes them immortal
OW2 is already a bs shooter, in this mode it’s bs shooter on steroids.
Maybe this mode should be called Paladinwatch.
New gamemode should enter in competitive queue! They should consider also add more heroes or even entire hero roster.
they need to delete pharah from it. just pharamercy pharamercy pharamercy and you cant swap to hitscan if you didnt pick it at the start
Skill issue, an decent S76 or Ashe can easy kill phara
The horrible matchmaker ruins it. You’re trapped on a team for 5 rounds of pain unable to swap if you’re hard countered.
That is the point of using cards. Use cards to make perfect build to win the game. Use the brain
I use for rein, firestrike build:
Doesn’t fix issue number 1, the matchmaker still being completely horrible in overwatch.
Yeah but its arcade, means play without try-hard
did you miss the part where you cant swap?
I kind of don’t like the hero spread. After 1 game, i was done. At least there’s nothing attached to this mode but xp.
I cannot see any problem in “cannot swap”. The cards help you to defeat your enemies. Also team coordination is required to play this mode… TL;DR people should use strategy and the brain to play this mode, not just Holding “W” to move and think that is correct way to play it.
Basically same thing in skill tree of an game, you may will unlock skills and build an skill tree for desired ability. My example, i’m playing alot with rein, my idea is always get a almost perfect build for Firestrike, i equipe the most important things (reduce cooldown, extra charge, etc)
I think the best part of the game mode is how you can lose the first two rounds and turn it completely around once the third options show up.
Making builds is very fun.
With Dva you can go for a defensive DM type build, a micromissiles build, primary fire focused build, or a boosters build.
Each of them can counter certain comps quite well but you have to focus what you want early on.
All I know is it’s stupidly fun
Another mode with no thought into the roster and bad rock paper scissors gameplay yippee
There’s no matchmaker in arcade.
That’s been a thing since ow1.
I tried one game and did not enjoy it. Had no idea what was going on. Never noticed my cards doing anything. Did notice the enemy running Pharmercy, though.
Gonna call this one Junkenstein’s Lavatory.
Maybe it’s just you.
You’re bad.
I’m calling you bad.
And unfun.
nah this game mode is fire I’ll stand by it
Yeah, if you don’t play Reaper, I could see why you might have fun.
Who ever thought it would be a good idea to put Reaper in a predominantly poke oriented selection of heroes needs to get fired. The PvE changes are all boring, but I can’t say I didn’t expect them to give him such dull, uninspired drivel for changes.