New feature no one is talking about

It’s a section that people use for eRP. It’s best to stay away.

It personally doesn’t seem to matter to me since the games that are shown are what’s basically a dime a dozen Doom Parkour, Emote to Grow, Tiny OW, etc. Every time it’s like this when I jump onto the Game browser every day.

Finding out that this existed was at the same time the most and least surprising thing I’ve encountered in quite awhile.

If the current amount is considered “many” then literally nobody is playing the main game.

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You know “many” isn’t a percentage, yeah? Like many =/= majority.

1% of a million is 10000. That is many people.

Yeah but you make it sounds like they are supporting the mode that is played the most. So if few ppl only play it then even less plays the rest of the modes.

For one thing you can actually see how many custom games are out there even if you can’t see how many ppl play the other modes.

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I wasn’t even implying that. All I did was suggest that there isn’t “barely anyone” playing them, and that’s why they would feel comfortable putting work into it as a side project.

Right, but what you can’t see is the amount of traffic that goes through each of those custom games. People are jumping in and out of them constantly while in queue for example.

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It’s actually surprisingly popular. It’s always buzzing with full lobbies.

Like, if I open OW twice - once during the morning, once in the evening - and both times I find pages and pages of active games both times, then it’s definitely popular enough. And there’s certainly many modes that are being worked on and updated constantly.

It’s not on the same level as QP or ranked, but it’s popular. My only complaint is that a lot of people tend to run the same modes, and I don’t enjoy hosting lobbies anymore.

also they didnt tell us why your framrate become lower and lower every patch like that

I think it’s a cool idea but I can’t seem to find the same modes I used to play anymore for some reason, and I can’t for the life of me figure out how to search by name on console

I used to enjoy those “friendly/chill” servers. It used to just be about hanging out and talking with others in match chat. Now the weird people have taken over and it’s all about Genji x Mercy ERP now. What a shame.

Chill servers = Goldshire.

someone stall the project of Flappy Pharah (created 1 year ago) and just put a Mercy instead??? wtf


I’ve discovered “If he hears you…”. I’ve played it with my viewers, man… this is one of the most hilarious/stressful that I’ve played since Workshop is out.

that’s also a steal from Mamo, he created the original gamemode, called Monkey hear, Monkey kill (code TEK28)
I had a lot of fun with it too

You should see dreams, more or less a more complex version of the workshop. And people are literally building full featured games in it’s engine.

I love this new feature. Good job dev team!