New Feature – High Precision Mouse Input (Gameplay Option)

Thanks for that. I was curious how certain Widows could hit every damn shot possible based on the explanation given…

Mouse: BEN-Q ZA13.

I’d have to say that using it. It changes shot registration. I think one of the things that effects this game negatively is the Horizontal and vertical axis in this game.

The acceleration points feel bad.

As a widow player. I can aim left to right easily. But going up or down still feels “off”.

Another thing that does NOT help with widow is that long CD on the hook. I mean I’ve mastered the art of Widowcraft back in the day with a short hook-CD and could use it to counter widow players. But since the character is being placed into a situation where the mobility is gone. It doesn’t help any during countering.

What’s your idea of “high fps”. It’s a bit subjective.

I cap at 162 due to g-sync/refresh rate. Is there a point of diminishing returns on this? Can we get more details on the FPS thing please?

Not sure if it’s a placebo effect or what but… after enabling this feature, I’m landing a lot more headshots than I previously was. I’m still garbage at this game, but it’s nice to actually feel like I’m hitting what I’m aiming at.

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never ever use any software acceleration!!!

Awesome, just got a 144hz monitor so can’t way to try this out in tandem.

i am still sliding sideways to the left. Ruins game play. Any resolution on that??

My best advice to climb out of bronze : don’t, just buy another account and get straight to platinum x)
Nah more seriously get moira for healers, sigma for tanks, and something like bastion or reaper or wathever for dps, it worked for me, 75% winrate on moira all the way to gold

Can you clarify if there’s some “soft cap” about the polling rate? Because overclocking mice for very high polling rate is a thing for some mice. I’m talking about 8000Hz polling rate for example.

I know this is probably WAY overkill. But still, I’m just curious since I’ve never seem (or used) such function in any other game I’ve played.

Thanks for the hard work of the entire OW team!

Seriously, 5 months later?


Hey, (three years later) did it work :wink: ?

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did you figure this out? my cpu and gpu both sit around 50% so idk what it is

edit: holy sh** sorry about the megabump

No worries.
The answer is, my GPU was too weak. On newer GPU its rock solid

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damn, at least prices are starting to come down on the 2nd hand market for the 30 series lol

Hi Derek, Please fix this game! There are too many players messing up bad for players who love the game. Unfortunatly Blizzard gives zero respons to feedback on this forum. Looking at the problems currently with this game is shocking!! Stop adding new and fancy features to the game, but make the game work!




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Sounds like they want us to aim more…my fear is becoming more and more of a reality that aim will trump over every other skill, including gamesense, teamwork, and soon experience…

Hitscans are already notortious for being suicidal, lacking teamwork, and planning skills.

This did not age well because snipers are less consistent and we now have a bunch of suppressive fire from the other hitscans that its becoming highly oppressive even from outside of effective dps ranges.

Brains!!! Brains!! Brains…

-Zombies Powered by Necromantic Posts-


OMG there is so much necromancy in this thread! This must be a shrine for Mercy 1.X!

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