New Feature – High Precision Mouse Input (Gameplay Option)

No wonder I keep getting awesome hits now… Truly grateful with this changes and to those who already place more than 200 hours on snipers or shooting heroes.

So… any benefits for average-joe players? Or is this mosue improvement only affecting the aimgod-pro-flick-snipers? Especialy with non hitscan heroes? Does Roadhog’s hook accuracy benefit for instance?

I tried this and it makes my performance slightly sluggish, its the same feeling you get when you turn on vsync, my flicking is smoother in visuals but its slower/sluggish.

Just me personally but I prefer the screen tearing perfectly responsive way

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I was so stoked for this… I am very disappointed to say that while this sounds cool, interpolating orientation between server ticks is something I thought would have been done a long time ago.

Unfortunately, I’ve played a couple games since this came out, and while my widow flicks felt better in some games, projectiles feel much worse.

What’s more, latency issues are getting so apparent that I watched a tracer recall halfway through being dragged with my hook, not before making contact and showing a stun, and not after being released. Hit detection is still triggering markers and effects without applying damage in some cases and in every single game since this patch i’ve experienced Rubber banding that makes me want to quit. Getting hit or killed after getting behind a wall gets really old really fast.

I keep coming back and trying to stay positive but the fact of the matter is this game is unplayable with such a latency bias constantly plaguing your game. Not to mention the slot machine match making that puts forces one sided games more often than not. That’s how you make an already poor experience better right?

Anyways, I’ll keep my money until Blizzard decides they actually wanna provide a decent regional service and experience. 60ms should at least be playable. I just don’t understand how Blizzard, one of the most successful publishers in this industry, has a fraction of the service hosts that their competition does and doesn’t care that their player base is being cheated out of the competitive experience this game was supposed to deliver.

Why? Why is this so damn bad?

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I have a weird issue, if I enable it, none of my mouse input is being picked up at all. I cannot shoot nor look around when its enabled, in the menu the mouse just works fine, but not in game.

i have an issue where the menu fps lags (30-50) when i have the polling rate at 1000 and move the mouse
Its at 60 when i put it to 500 … this sucks :confused:

So if I turn this setting on, should I use it with my Logitech software’s acceleration & precision settings on?

An update with some clarifications and answers to common questions I’ve seen:

Commands and logic still happen on tick boundaries, but for shots that were triggered between tick boundaries we re-position the game state to that sub-tick frame of reference for hit detection (for example, if you fired 8ms before a tick boundary, we rewind both yourself and others backwards in time by an extra 8ms so that everything lines up w/ that point in time).

We do update the players most up to date view/aim direction every rendered frame, but this is cosmetic only relative to the logic update rate.

Client framerate doesn’t matter for the server, since we never send more than one input per tick to the server.

It’s not an interpolation between end of tick inputs, we’re actually using where you’re aiming when you click.

As has been noted by others, this is only affected by the polling rate of the mouse hardware, the DPI and sensitivity don’t matter. The system is set up polling rate agnostic, and should handle any update rate mouse hardware wants to throw at it, though technically the higher your polling rate, the bigger the CPU cost (though still small).

Speaking of polling, a clarification: Both with and without this option, Overwatch doesn’t directly poll mouse inputs. The mouse hardware sends raw input messages to the game at it’s polling rate, and then we process all those messages on every frame.


I wonder if you could exploit this by chaining a lot of “first-shots” from different players in quick succession. Couldn’t you stall the game state by 6 (or 12 if the enemy team is in on it) ticks?

I posted this in the bug report, but do you have any idea why enabling this option causes the toggle crouch function on PC to bug out. It basically seems to stop working unless you mash it multiple times after the first few times, it only happens with high precision input enabled. Otherwise, it generally feels really good on my logitech g pro hero at 1000hz polling rate.

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I don’t think it affects them because Overwatch on consoles runs at an already kind of low framerate, so due to the extra processing power needed for sub-frame aiming this will probably be disabled.
An Xbox controller operates at 125hz, so if it was turned on, you wouldn’t see a difference.
It’s already really hard to notice the difference on PC (It’s really only possible to notice it if you flick really fast), so unless you were playing with a really high sensitivity on console, it would still be basically impossible to notice the difference.

I still get spotty hitreg (on a ~40ping wired connection) with this option enabled when I do high speed flicks (which is pretty much all I do…)

You can see it spawn the headshot particle effect, but she doesn’t take damage.

Swap off a Widow and they may show you.

Actually beast of an update. Bit late to catch on as this flew directly under my nose, but definitely excited to see it in action.

Maybe is a bug since you are holding secondary fire? They said it only worked as long as you were not holding primary or secondary fire, but maybe scoping counts as well since it is Widowmakers secondary "fire"? Or it is simply internet problems. Even with 40 ms ping and a wired connections there are still various factors that can affect your connection. Some within your ability to fix, but plenty of others only Blizzard or your internet provider can fix.

rn i play at a average frame rate (70 fps) at 170ms. with the feature on aiming feels… really off

How can you play like that? The one time I tried playing on european servers I got 130, and that was kinda… bleh.

we arent all lucky enough to either
a)play close enough to the servers
b)have good isps
my isp literally cant route outside my country so if the server is not located in the country where i live i get redirected to usa.
so basically always high ping above 150 ms… everything is a pain. for example its hard to even aim syms orbs since they have a huge delay before firing

I face this thing literally every day Im playing.

After some reviews in the replays, it seems happening because projectile/hitscan doesnt hit the skeleton but hits part of the model, so game plays the hit animation but doesnt reduce health.

ie some underhood secret changes?

I’m mostly just curious based on the explanation of how players like Kephri were able to nail every head shot possible to man when flicking would only allow you to hit certain frames…it really doesn’t make any sense at all in that case.__