So i now have an advance over people that dont know the settings?
Or have enabled it?
Feels better. I am a Tracking Widow and I hit more shots now. Widow buff ^^
The 6 remaining Widowmaker mains in this meta cry in happiness
its 1.42 now
right now
Does the client framerate factor into things at all? For me the biggest change is that aim remains smooth during framerate fluctuations and it’s amazing.
Here’s my assumption… The game isnt going to change its refresh polling tick rate for firing ticks… what this will do is adjust your aim to when you actually clicked if you have a higher frequency mouse… so retroactively if that makes sense— this is done so fast though the human eye would never be able to tell the difference. [[Again this is my assumption]]
If there are no different
Why does the setting exist?
It’s not supported, but it is allowed now actually. They can’t really do anything against them since they can’t do a system check to find if they have aimbot programs.
Also, since Microsoft made a keyboard and mouse set for Xbox, they had to get rid of it.
This feature relates to your mouse polling rate (Hz), not dpi.
same! I started playing on XBOX and still do some, and migrated over to PC so I still use the controller most of the time!
I dunno about that chief, everyone has their preferences of course, and I’m merely a console player, but when I played on M/KB on my buddy’s PC I felt like a power unlike any other was awakened in me. If I could, I’d rather use a mouse.
Don’t tell me to swap off Widow,
It’s under Gameplay, all the way at the bottom.
No worries; it can be confusing without some background knowledge. I’ll try to reword it:
The game updates every 16/1000 of a second. that means character positions and the directions they are aiming are always captured at those time intervals, like pictures in a flip book.
Consequently, all aiming data is rounded to whatever angle you are pointing at every 0.016th of a second. This forces your shots to get rounded to those increments.
(A shot taken at 0.001 seconds after the game updates used to be the same shot taken 0.016 seconds after the game updates.)
The game still updates every 0.016 seconds, but now the game records data of precisely when you took the shot between game updates. With that info, it can extrapolate where you would have been aiming at that time, if your aiming had been continuous.
Ex. Imagine you whip the camera around and take a shot that’s 50% between the time steps of the game. When the game updates 0.008 seconds later, it can subtract 50% of that rotation that occurred between time steps. It traces your aiming path backward in time to to restore where your cursor would have been pointed at that moment.
Hope that helps! It’s kinda of a complicated idea.
This effects the x and y directions correct? Aiming from head to toe on a character should also be effected.
Now we add in red lines, drawing where the player is aiming after every received mouse input @1000Hz:
If your mouse has 8000hz interrupts (like a driver-overclocked PMW3360 can do,) will the mouse input for Overwatch also adjust to 8000hz?
Either way, this is a great change.
As long as you engine guys are listening, it would be cool if you added a “cull visual clutter” option which removes the floating control point icons that frequently block aim, and/or reduces the size of particles
ive asked this on here before…
is this why it always feel to me like the game is randomly selecting where a person is shooting when i see someones footage of them killing me (or kill cam) using flick aimstyle…as in…i saw them flick past me but they still got a headshot anyway…in the past i asked if its more beneficial to flick because of this…
I wonder how will it affect detecting cheaters and aimbots
Does this also affect abilities bound to mouse buttons?
Because technically, from what I understood, this should affect mouse input in general. So shouldn’t it also affect abilities like Reinhardts shield?
Or for example, I have all my shift abilities bound to mouse button 5. Do they have lower input delay now as well?
It affects anything where you point your cursor and then do something that depends on cursor location.
The faster your cursor is moving, the larger of a benefit it will see from this
The simplest explanation is that the game’s simulation/logic state runs at a different rate than the rendering (Fixed 60hz versus variable rate up to 300fps, respectively)
In his videos above when it shows the third person camera, it shows McCree turning to the right.
Each red line represents where McCree is looking each time you render a frame and display it on screen. Each white lines represent where the game logic believes your character is facing during each fixed step of the logic.
When you fire your weapon, the game does not shoot along the red lines, it shoots along the white lines. In laymen’s terms, when you fire your weapon you may be (worst case) shooting at a location up to 16ms in the past. If you do really fast flicks, 16ms can be a substantial distance.
Essentially this change makes it so when you fire your weapon (on mouse down) it re-polls your input and adjusts the white line to align with the most recent red line.