New Event Starting 3/21

The thread just dropped. Twice. :smile:

Challenges donā€™t update, seems broken

Event is just a 3v3 copy paste sadly . Roadhog skin , letā€™s see how good it is .

Edit : Green road hog skin is not bad , donā€™t know which theme it is based on but I like it .

Reload your game. Heard some people are having issues with the challenges populating on first log in. Relog and it should correct itself.

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The game mode is unexpectedly fun. The jump pads work nicely to give every one vertical reach and Iā€™m wondering if they tuned the damage to even things up a bit. They even added a few voice lines (Mako gets ticked if Junkrat scores, etc.) Is it a game-changer? No, but itā€™s a pleasant surprise in the same way that Lucioball was.

Man, it has not been your day for quite a whileā€¦ :wink:

I meanā€¦ thatā€™s trueā€¦ but source? Iā€™d genuinely love to read it!

It was in this thread. Andy said how this Forum has a clear bias and is a negative space.

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