New Event Starting 3/21

Remember when they used to post info on their own forums? Or in Overwatch news area? Me either. :smile:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet


Oh look Event hype, what you guys were complaining about earlier in my other topic

Since when am I event hype? :smile:

Seriously, I had to hunt for this information. Anybody know there’s an open tournament connected to this event? Or that there was a $50K invitational tournament this past weekend?

My point is the hype machine seems to be kind of lacking as of late.


“new” “event” OMEGALUL


Hog only DM with a recycled event skins.

good to know that I am not missing anything.


I mean, new event modes are fun for 5 or so matches usually. Especially if it’s yet another Deathmatch or Team-Deathmatch.
Rewards are epic skin, namecard, charm and profile icons.
Skin is likely just the pachimari Roadhog skin, that a lot of people already have. Charms are kinda…
Always welcome new pachimari icons though.
And namecard, will probably be cute.

There’s a new gamemode, but looks like some reused cosmetics.

updated post so you get where I am coming from.

New gamemode that took them 2 mins to make, dang, pathetic


We won’t know that for sure until tomorrow. But wouldn’t be surprised.

Nothing “new” lets be real. The epic skin you earn is just Hog’s pachimari skin from OW1, the limited time mode is most liikely a gamemode that contains only hog that will get boring after an hour…

I see this as another bland event…


Oh boy a new “mode” and some recycled skins. Fun.


Im callling it now…the new “mode” is some type of FFA hog only mode, because we all know how much “fun” FFA is.


The end of the twitch event is on the 23 aka Wed.

With 4 weeks to go till Season 4., you really shouldn’t be surprised.

(It’s not the only game hype related news coming this week either.) (Like usual they are competing for attention.)


I read an article about aliens conquering earth on march 23rd, and the first thing came to mind is that even aliens conquering earth are coming before OW2 pve lol

Face it, the “new” events are not for Vet players.

Us vets don’t have anything to look forward to, ever. They don’t care either because they could lose us forever and be fine with it. It’s the new players they want 'cause they don’t have all the skins us vets do, and Blizz of course wants to $ell $kins.

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The ONLY things we have is heroes, maps, and maybe skins

Nothing new for me except a pachimari weapon charm I’ll never use. Everything else is already owned.

Im more excited about the twitch drops than whatever they are doing in game

Earth is too backwater for any aliens to care about us.

Seriously, Would you like to go here, or the Cat Lady Planet with Bar.

No Aliens who are smart enough for light speed flight, would stop here but just keep going. (not even worth a pitstop)