New Event Starting 3/21

It was of the 2 week mini events where you play 21 games (wins count double). It’s from March 2021.

Huh, it must have been at at time I stopped playing for a while. It’s kinda cool that it came back but it’s an ok-looking skin.

Be kind, there is only one intern doing all the work.
Can’t expect him to post everywhere.

Are you guys excited about the new FREE Shop update?

Yeah, they mentioned this in one of the big text posts from a week or so ago.
And it’s a repeated event anyways. Meant more for the people fresh to OW.

You mean this news? That was literally posted back in February and mentions the PachiMarchi event?

Don’t forget your floppy shoes and red nose, you left them at the door.

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Why would they post on here? They’ve ssid before how they consider this to be a negative place with bias against everything they do.

They simply don’t like us.

I thought you were being sarcastic…

Bruh :weary:

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Lmao imagine marketing this information to your game’s community, eh.

the sound effects really mess with me :confused:

To be fair, not everyone uses the forum. News gets around faster through Twitter and IG. Plus it’s not really a new event per se. Just has a few extras compared to last time.

There’s an actual new temp game mode this time unlike the 2021 version.

Yeah, but it’s not a big event that’s worth advertising. People will see it when they login anyway. It’s a mini event. It’s not like this is Archives or something.

They might drop a thread later about it.

The thread just dropped. Twice. :smile:

Challenges don’t update, seems broken

Event is just a 3v3 copy paste sadly . Roadhog skin , let’s see how good it is .

Edit : Green road hog skin is not bad , don’t know which theme it is based on but I like it .

Reload your game. Heard some people are having issues with the challenges populating on first log in. Relog and it should correct itself.

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The game mode is unexpectedly fun. The jump pads work nicely to give every one vertical reach and I’m wondering if they tuned the damage to even things up a bit. They even added a few voice lines (Mako gets ticked if Junkrat scores, etc.) Is it a game-changer? No, but it’s a pleasant surprise in the same way that Lucioball was.

Man, it has not been your day for quite a while… :wink:

I mean… that’s true… but source? I’d genuinely love to read it!

It was in this thread. Andy said how this Forum has a clear bias and is a negative space.

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