😡 New Custom Games Settings are simply DUMB!

Spawning Bots

Old setting -
Let’s say you have Zarya disabled in Hero Roster for Team 1.
And you add a Zarya bot to Team 1.
Then that Zarya Bot will appear for Team 1.

With this you could do mixed PvPvM modes, where Ai and Humans play together.

Like you have a human Boss and the minions are all Bots. The player cannot select the minion heroes since they are disabled in hero roster.

And in team brawls, you could break certain Bot Heroes and prevent players from selecting those heroes via Hero Roster.These Bot Heroes added an additional element to the game. Like a Mei constantly spawning blizzard randomly, this acts like an environmental factor.

New setting-
Let’s say you have Zarya disabled in Hero Roster for Team 1.
And you add a Zarya bot to Team 1.
Then that Zarya Bot does not appear for Team 1.

Now if you turn off a Hero in Hero Roster, the corresponding Bot will not appear.

With this, if you want to give an OP Zarya to the computer and prevent Humans from taking that OP Zarya, you cannot do that.

I don’t know why this change was made but it is a terrible change that serves no purpose other than to limit the other creative modes.

Like what is the purpose of preventing Bots from spawning a Hero you have disabled in Hero Roster? You can always change that Bot hero to whatever you like in the lobby.

I don’t understand, why even make this change?



Previous Setting -
You could change how much Ammo baby Dva has in her gun or remove the requirement entirely.

So with this I was able to create a slow and Tanky baby Dva with a really powerful gunwith only 5 powerful shots.

Why? Just cuz!

New Setting-
There is no option to do this. This option was removed.

Presumably it was removed because the person who was in charge of Custom Games, thought Dva (mech) doesn’t have Ammo requirement so they removed this option thinking that it was redundant.


Why are we making such dumb changes to Custom games?


While we are on the topic of weapon ammo…
What’s so hard about allowing players to set the Ammo counter to 1 Bullet? Why is this not an option?

You could have so many cool modes just based on 1 bullet 1 kill.

Modes that redesign heroes and turn them into something new, could really benefit from that.

And while were on the topic of Custom games, why are half my presets still disabled?

If you cannot fix presets easily, why don’t you provide players with a txt file that they can use to rebuild their presets?

Some of us spend months balancing our modes. I know a guy who spent a year balancing his Unreal mode.

Imagine losing all that progress, and having no way to rebuild it, because you can’t see what your old settings were.

It just pisses me off.

Not only are the bugs with Customs not being fixed, but things that are perfectly fine like the Bot spawns and Dva’s ammo are being intentionally broken and removed.

Blizzard please sort this out.

More Suggestions

  • Allow Designers to tweak Quick Melee damage separately from other damage. In fact, allowing Designers to tweak damage for each little aspect of a hero, each ability, ult, primary fire,secondary fire separately, will give more creative freedom to Designers who create modes where Heroes are redesigned.

  • Allow Designers to Tweak Wrecking Ball’s Piledriver Knockback.

  • Give Designers the Option to Turn off Lucio’s Auras as well as Hero Passives and abilities like Wall Climb.

  • Allow Designers to tweak Ult duration of all remaining Heroes, including Zenyatta and Roadhog.

  • Allow Designers to add CC resistance or immunity to certain heroes. This will allow the Boss to be invulnerable to free, trap, stun, charge, knockback etc in Boss modes. This will allow Bosses to not get charged or pulled off a cliff. In PVE modes, AI Bosses will get pulled or knocked into areas that break their code.

More Suggestions

Allow Spectators, not those in Queue, but those in Spectator Slots, which are separate, to Join Match Chat.

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