New Cupid Hanzo skin is so cute omg

It does look cool. Somewhat effeminate.

… But I like that this is a positive thread for a change.

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More likely it was made with Valentine’s day in mind. :heartpulse:


What if its a 1 coin only like Bastion was though?

not aslong as they charge 20€ for that.

Nipple guy is back my friends.

He’s back for better and for worse.

The amount of Cupid Hanzo x Cass fanart incoming

More skins from the battle pass theme held back because ActiBlizz are $cummy af. F2P was a massive mistake.

I made that mistake with Bastion and must now deal with its backlash… A count count ending in a number that is not 0 or 5… If it costs 9 or 4 coins, insta purchase.

Dayum I kinda want to play Hanzo now.

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I can’t wait to get thiiiissss!! :drooling_face::drooling_face: I need that nip :smirk::smirk:

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So are they just pulling a Destiny 1 and actively removing content already finished

(this would fit with the current Greek gods battlepass theme) in order to sell later?


I think it’s super Valentine’s Day themed & seeing as how Valentine’s Day falls after season 2 ends, it makes sense in my opinion.

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6 years of waiting just for the skin to cost $20. I don’t know which part is more offensive really. The leak? The cost? The alternative being a 900 final blow challenge? Or the fact that every cool fan idea or requested idea is just going to be locked behind this garbage. I am devastated really. Been wanting this skin forever and now I have to waste $20 to get it?

Thanks, gamers!

He looks so :nail_care:t3:! I’m so in love!! I need this skin now!!

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honestly such a win for the girlies & the gays (& the straights with impeccable taste) im living for this skin!

As a gay it’s a win for sure :wink: i love it!

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Not to get off topic, but it really is amazing how they think they can get away with charging $20 for skins that are in actuality worth roughly $2.

I miss loot boxes dearly.

hanzo isnt a popular hero really
literally compare him to genji even when hes been better than genji for 80% of the game. people are still gonna play genji over him when hanzo is good and genji is not.
he got fewer skins in OW1 in comparison to other vanilla heroes and now we are seeing catch up.

You’re right, they shouldve made it 60$ then still use the shop that’s currently in the game. You can’t seriously expect Blizz to use a system as openly generous as OW1 when other games clearly show that asking more and more is somehow still acceptable.

People buy them.

Thanks for coming to my TED talk.