New Competitive System is a Joke

So did my placements. Lost most of them due to the usual RNG. “Placed” at the exact same rank as I finished last season, despite only winning 3 of the 10 matches.

Went ahead and played the 11th match to see the new progress system, and it doesn’t actually tell you what the modifiers are! So I’ve got a bar with a green bit on the end which says 21%, that’s it? I can click the “i” symbol next to it and it explains what the green ‘could’ be, but doesn’t say anywhere what it actually was added for.

So that’s useless too then. 21% is basically just like earning 21sr. So it’s just the old system from OW1? Nothing new. If the average is 25sr or 25% and I only got 21 then it should be red not green. So not only does it not tell you anything useful, it doesn’t even work right.


Bro they lied at this point. Nothing is transparent, It’s the same thing in a new picture with visual goodies. The rank reset wasn’t even real. People are starting right back where they left off.


Honestly. They say that it is “reset”, except it predicts me to be the same rank after winning half and only losing one game. It has not changed. It makes 0 sense. It is not a true reset, like they are claiming it to be.


Lies lies and more lies. “Ranked reset”. What a load of nonsense.

Leaving this game for good. This was the final straw.


Placements 9-1, and like you still ended up where I left off. Yep.


I ranked Adamantium Omega 5: First Punch Part 24.97

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They just need to go ahead and bring back OW 1 SR system.

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wait doesnt it give you a number after each game now? SR number?

Also on the next episode of Dans Bored. We use a Ouija board solo and try to contact the spirit of my ex to ask her if I was really that bad.

So devs do listen to the forums… lol. I’m thinking they saw my post about recording those indicators and was like “oh shii lets change the system”.

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Wait did they not add the new UI stuff im lost here? I really dont play comp first few days of the season for obvious reasons. I havent seen the changes first hand.

Premiering after Dans Bored its On The Floor! A show about finding food in the WEIRDEST places!

I dont even know. I am down to 202 mb for the new patch.

dude, the game feels the exact same as before.

just with a lower skill requirement.

this is the doofus patch xD


That’s the POINT. That’s why the new comp system isn’t a joke and is actually good!! Because you actually get updated on your rank each game and it’s basically like OW1.

And guess what ow1 had… a perfectly fine comp system.

You’re complaining about something everyone asked to come back because it’s simply better than the card system.

My ex said. “yes, also boo im a ghost. You weren’t very cool and I just like really was kinda done with it cause you’re awful.” Then she said boo again and threw dirt in my eyes. She was always joking around.

But yeah I only played like 2 games so all ive seen is the placement UI

Plat with my buddy in silver.
Both started bronze
Destroyed everyone until the last couple games.
He ranked up and I got G1 lol
8-2 and got G1?
Games were annoyingly easy until we got 1 or two people who were just moronic. Was more annoyed feeling like a lifeweaver babysitting tanks who never stop pressing w lol.

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Nope just a big progress bar 0-100%, left is 1 rank down and right is 1 rank up. I lost and went down and red 21%, I won and its gone back up green 20%.

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I’m complaining because they said it would be transparent and tell you why you had gone up or down, favoured to win and lost etc. it doesn’t do any of that. There’s one screen with essentially the sr number but a %, there’s another screen on an info button which says why your rank ‘could’ be green or red. Nowhere does it say why it was green or red for that game. So they are giving us no extra information whatsoever.

Which unless I and everyone else here were mistaken, is what they said it was going to do, no?


Bro you got it right, The lie feels immense with this one. No room for coping. There was no reset. Throw ALL The DATA out and start clean slated is a reset…. This is FAR from that


Well a lot of the T500 people didn’t want a full reset.
They felt they shouldn’t have to grind back up to T500. Just keep the small community of people who all know each other and don’t play meta comps constantly. Way it is boss.

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That’s not a competitive scene, Thats what you call socially engineered gatekeeping and a not an integrity driven competitive environment.