New Brigitte Legendary Skin "Medic"

I would have added Luminum too but she doesn’t play anymore :frowning:

Hoshizora is on the eligible list for this promotion.

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To be fair I haven’t checked lmao. I am only assuming as they have missed being part of the “drops” in the past. Especially Stevo. Guy is great, tis a shame.


Not worth it. I’ll stick with GOATs Brig


Imagine a world where you could just play the game to earn every skin.



For example, I only watch symmetra streamers. There’s not a single symmetra streamer on the list. Those are the people I’d want to give my money to, not any of these others. Where is even one of:

Darth Sym
Etc etc etc… Not even one? C’mon

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Thats good to hear! Could you add Stevo? :slight_smile:

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I believe the list is finalized, and more than likely this required a LOT of planning for the community team weeks in advance. Don’t worry, I have a feeling this is merely the first step to really bringing a positive outreach to all Overwatch content creators in the future.

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what about stealth :sob:

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Some very toxic streamers on the list of eligible streamers, even some with a pretty shady track record (playing on Bronze accounts while they’re GM). Nice one Blizzard, zero integrity.

And anyone who’s ever been involved with smaller streamers and knows the struggles they go through knows the best way to support them is through direct donations. The ones where Twitch doesn’t get a 50% cut.

I’m neither naive, nor stupid, and I believe many other players aren’t either. And for us it’s plain as day that this campaign is made to benefit Twitch under the guise of supporting streamers. But I guess corporate feared releasing a legendary skin as a twitch prime reward would yield too much backlash.


The event doesn’t start for another 2 days. There’s still time for them to do some form of damage control on this, either by expanding the list or lowering the number of sub gifts required to obtain the skin…

But what WM says makes sense, unfortunately.

I still don’t feel right about any of this. About a lot of decisions they’ve made recently, really. $15 for people I don’t watch is still really high for me. They’d have much better success with simply $10 (to match OWL pricings, which have become the standard, basically), or better yet, a singular $5 sub.

I’d also like some transparency on how much of this blizzard is walking away with, too. We know the streamer gets 50%, but how much of Amazon’s 50% do you guys get?


I would have added Somjuu and CoDCode904 to the list of streamers I’d support for sure.

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Is there a discount for gifting subs on Twitch right now? People keep saying this is $15, which could be right. But last time I checked it’s $6 for a tier 1 sub, which would $18 plus tax.

Which is cool if you want to support your favorite OW streamer. Assuming they’re actually on the list.

And what’s wrong with smaller Overwatch streamers?

The bigger ones already make enough, why only specific ones?

You claim you support all these apparent content creators, but every time there is an event or anything, it’s only the big names you support.


I checked. Still $4.99 USD

I don’t know, I wouldn’t mind gifting three subs to a smaller/newer streamer, but seeing those big names on the list is a bit off-putting.


I think that was technically covered in the follow up that the idea was to focus on a limited large and medium pool in order to gather data on the success rate of said event.

I’m seeing $5.99 for sub whether gifting or sub. Where are you seeing $4.99?

Like this last beta, this is a campaign to juice twitch numbers; nothing more. Feel about that how you will, but don’t fall for the PR nonsense stating otherwise.