There’s a new Baptiste short story out now called “What You Left Behind” trailer for it and a link is on the Play Overwatch twitter. The website with the story seems to be down at the moment.
Heres the link
From the video seen, I wonder if it means we know how the Heavy is in the Anniversary events as dude has the same armor/weapons.
Must suck to know we keep killing him and here I thought it was a pure omnic.
How did I get so lucky?
Glad some more story is out❤️
Real question - who was made gay this time?
B.O.B clearly, noone can keep their hands off him
Is that Talon Tank I see?
You, the viewer, are now gay.
Is that a talon tank? And is the guy at the end with the PLUS helmet Baptiste?
^ Can anyone link it? Lost level 3 due to inactivity it seems.
That’s not a comic!
inb4 we find out bapiste is a genderfluid trans parasexual female or something
(dont crucify me, its a joke)
we going to ignore the obvious batiste skin at the end?
I didn’t read much but did I get that ending right?
Sombra is protecting Mercy from Talon under Baptiste’s request?
Someone spoil me the whole story, im too lazy to read
thank you
(dont forget to use one of these)
Just finished it and it was really good. I just wish it was animated, we haven’t got one in forever.
I did not really ignore it. I just was unsure if it was baptiste at the time.
That would be cool if we got some sort of Tank for hero 31.