New Balance Patch soon?

I have no clue how a Bastion main could still tolerate this game. I struggle a bit as McCree because, well, he sucks. He is just a very simple and safe pick that plays into a lot of dps well, but he is definitively below average. And it is annoying. You lose match ups you are supposed to win against heroes like Tracer and everyone acts like he is broken just because his pickrate his high and then downplay characters like Orisa and Baptiste. Annoying as hell.

But you, you play Bastion. Like, the literal worst hero. I respect that.

Sadly, i stopped playing him ever since 2-2-2, have about 100 hours

im not waiting 10+ minutes to be forced to switch into anything else

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What I’m saying is that the devs would delay pushing this change to live, and throw in a couple very simple balance changes next week on January 9th Then push this patch to Live around January 21st.

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This situation is Odd actually.

consdiering at the current rate, 1 month per PTR,

the leaks of a mid-january patch wouldnt be possible, since the next patch would be out roughly in 10ish of february

With a ton of money on the line, you can bet the devs are gonna push something before the next OWL season.

Like they did last year.

likely 1 or 2 more weeks

January 9th PTR patch, with a January 21st push to Live would make a lot of sense.

Gives OWL teams a little over 2 weeks to adjust to the patch before the next OWL season.

I’ll have you know I’m chained to the COMPUTER, not the desk.
(Is joke)

6 more months, more data needs to be collated to fix the obvious. Until then please enjoy your double shield clown fiesta meta and pray the next hero doesn’t make the game as fun as a fart in space suit.

It’s just worse than Sigma, there’s no place for outside of Dive right now.

that’s the definition of not playable.
would dva be better if sigma orisa wasn’t blatantly op? yeah, but she still wouldn’t be that good at all.

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lol dude, blizzard don’t work that fast. Next balance patch will probably be in March or something

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Doesn’t matter when the next “balance” patch will be the damage has been done to this game from the last patch and the damage control won’t be able to fix anything. Even with a Dva fix or DPS nerfs a lot of people are moving on.

That’s the response I’ve come to expect here whenever someone complains about a troll pick or otherwise simply underwhelming hero, D.Va’s not the only one who has had this kind of response sadly and most likely won’t be the last hero to receive that response either.

  • Hero’s not meta but they are viable.
  • Hero’s not meta but they are playable.


The problem with DVA is that Sigma is just better than her in every way and I honestly do not see a way to fix that. Sigma does more damage from a safer range, takes far less damage so giving away less charge, has his own defense matrix and can deploy his shield at range allowing that protection DVA provided without having to take damage to provide it.

The problem is that if you boost DVA’s damage that much she stops being a tank and starts being an assassin in the same vein as Doomfist. Matrix could be where you go to buff her but how do you make her matrix massively better without it being a game-breaking ability because that is what it would have to be to keep up with Sigma. There just simply isnt a solid buff that can make her viable.

Probably not. They’re most likely on a daily grind to make OW2 a finished and refined experience with a little sprinkle of a patch into OW1


Winning and losing don’t necessarily mean anything about a charcters state. The teams winning a match could simply be better or more coordinated. Both cases heroes picked don’t mean that much.

As for Winston I think he is actually a charcter that just not his meta might actually apply unlike I generally don’t like the just not there meta argument. But if I were to use it I think it applies more to winston than He would by far gain more from Mei and Reaper changes than probably any other tank with the possible exception of wrecking ball’s gain from a mei nerf.

All tanks benefit from mei/reaper changes but I don’t think is 100% in the uppper half of tanks who gain from it. Ball, Winston,Rein definitely get more and I think Roadhog and zarya get about the same as does. Rein gets more as I think a change in dps will move the game a little more away from Orissa and a bit more in his favor if fortify isn’t as necessary.

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Even when they do come back, their attention will be mostly focused on OW2.

We are on the backburner.

Ok I was trying to be positive ha but yes