New Balance Patch soon?

Dude I can’t keep waiting for a patch that needs to come out soon. We need an ETA or something because I just wanna play my favorite heros again in peace. Like D.Va. Please devs, do something.


Remember they’ve just had xmas and I don’t think they would be returning to work until next Monday surely? But when they’re back I’m sure you will bear something

D.Va is playable though. She just not meta.


They’re never going to fix Dva… and if they did, once people start seeing her again, they’ll whine until she’s sledgehammered into the dirt again.


She is more of a troll pick nowadays… That is definitely worse than “just not meta.” That is what you say about McCree. Dva is legit trash.


I doubt we’ll see a PTR patch before mid-January. Like SneakySquid said, they’re probably still on their xmas break.

New Balance Patch soon?

The unpaid intern chained to his desk must’ve surely come up with something over the holidays.


There is currently a patch on the PTR that will most likely be released after the event.

After that will there be a new patch on PTR for a couple weeks, but we don’t know how long it will take before we get a new patch on PTR after the current PTR patch hit live.

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Lol dva sucks now.
Dva is probably the last tank i’d want on my team.


ehmmm what patch are u talking about? The latest patch in ptr was the “While you wait”

Unlikely. The devs have been on holidays.

Give it a couple of weeks.

This one:

Overwatch PTR Patch Notes – December 11, 2019

This one hasn’t reached the live servers yet.

D.Va is apparently being played by Korean Contenders teams again at the moment (paired with Orisa).

I’m interested to see how that plays out.

I’m not entirely sure about this actually. She’s pretty bad, but I’ve seen Dva players winning games lately. I think she might be better than Winston, at least.

Sometime before February 8th, on a Thursday.

So probably January 9, or January 16th.

Hands down better than Winston. And I win with her quite a bit too, but she is bottom tier across the board based solely on pickrate and winrate. Which is more or less all we have to go on. I am not saying she is unplayable… But playable is sort of a strong word. In a figurative sense, obviously.

These are hotfixes and bug fixes :stuck_out_tongue: not balance patch xD

Hotfixes are patches to the live game. These are PTR changes that haven’t gone live yet.

With any luck, the devs will just put some basic balance changes onto the existing PTR patch, so that it doesn’t slow down the balance change release schedule.

Like I said: I think that’s unlikely because the devs have probably been away with their families over the holidays. They’re probably only just returning to work today.