New attitude in OW2

I really hope peoples attitudes change in OW2. I had a game where I was echo and Mercy refused to pocket me because they made up that I was trash. When I would go to kill a soldier on high ground enemy Mercy would rush in and pocket him so I couldn’t confirm the kill. I would have to retreat or die. Why do people have this bad attitude where they don’t want to do team work to win games?


I expect it to be worse with even less players to blame, and an obvious visual indicator (scoreboard) of who is actually underperforming. I’m sure that will be me, but I have comms and chat off so I don’t have to hear about it.


I found it better to see full scoreboard since you actually can see where the diff is. Obv stats don’t mean anything when you can back cap a payload with 0 stats but you can get a general idea of action and be like “okay enemy DPS is insane” instead of being like “I have gold dmg”.


I agree the scoreboard should reduce toxicity if anything. If I am sitting on 4 golds and my team is calling me trash, I’d rather just let my stats speak for themselves than having to type up a storm defending myself in chat. And if I am really doing poorly then I feel like they have a right to criticize me. Although that shouldn’t be necessary if it is already obvious by my stats.

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  1. You don’t NEED a mercy to secure some kills. At least you shouldn’t. If you can’t stand your ground alone, change hero and/or play differently.

  2. People will judge you either way. If they think you’re garbage, they won’t support you. So don’t give them that first impression and benefit from better treatment. How to accomplish this? Choose the best situational hero for your comp and map to play. If you stick to a useless hero and feed your brains out, you probably won’t get the expected cooperation from your team mates.

  3. Don’t ask what the team can do to support you – ask yourself what YOU can do for your team.


Same people, same result.


Nocturne for president!!


I think it will massively increase toxicity with many more “dps diff” “tank diff” and such, and people now having “proof” of you being “terrible at the game”. This is all that will happen.

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Perhaps but the thing I hate the most is getting blamed when I’m actually the only one doing anything. At least it will be nice to have transparent stats to back you up in those situations.


im sorry to say but if you’re playing echo into a soldier can you really blame the mercy if she s not ur friend?
hear me out - pharmercy/echomercy can absolutely wreck s76/cass in some cases sure but if u r in a soloq with randoms playing into a counter can u rly blame ur team into allocating resources elsewhere?
i am not saying it’s ok they thought you were trash bc it’s not and i’m sure you’re not
all i’m saying is sometimes if your team isn’t supporting you maybe it’s time to switch and support them better instead

  1. in OW2B i’ve been badgered many times to change to Ana from Mercy, misconceptions on past experiences. so 2 is indeed accurate nice post

I agree with you that the echo should switch if countered, but Mercy is at fault too, why play mercy if you won’t pocket a DPS?

Mercy is useless when she can’t pocket, so she should switch too

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The scoreboard must be taken with a grain of salt. Some DPS will have less elims and less damage done, but will be the ones carrying their team due to securing early picks (snipers) or clean picks (flankers) while the rest of the team “dukes it out”. Scoreboard is going to cause as much toxicity as the old system.


Not for me. When I see myself as support with 3k dmg 1 death and 15 elims and 20 assists then dps with 1k dmg 9 deaths 3 elims 0 assists I don’t say “I have silver dmg what are you doing”. I just think, “oh okay that’s what’s happening”. Then I may look at them and see if they are feeding or just need some more help. So to me it reduces my personal toxicity and provides more useful information than before. Even if it’s not relevant at all it creates a better mindset for me.


I think that’s going to hold true for many of OW veterans who actually learned how to play the game. But new people coming into the game? Oh boy, they are going to be looking for a scapegoat.

very true unless the other dps was a good dmg boost target idk if op mentioned what their team comp was or not lol anyways

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Surely this time gamers will stop being toxic. Surely.

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A new attitude is garanteed in the watchpoint pack

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That’s right. The people who are boosted don’t want a scoreboard, those of us who are consistently top performing want it.

Let’s be honest, every team competitive game is toxic, but at least now people can be toxic toward the underperformers instead of incorrectly guessing who’s to blame.

You count yourself as top performing?