New Archives idea? The Lindholms

I dont know if this should be in Story discussion or General Discussion so let me know if i need to change it.

I was thinking yesterday about what would be another story mode for achieves, But i wanted to include Bastion and Torb in it, so i came up with the idea of having a Lindholms Story mode that would include maybe Ingrid or a Special Someone being captured by Talon or some other organization or Bastion being hunted down.

Characters involved would be Torbjorn, Bastion, Brigitte and Reinhardt since all of them relate to one an other and its a healer, tank, dps group. And maybe Moira being included with the Talon act.
Plus I would like to see how they all would act around each other (Reinhardt view on Bastion, Brigitte and Torbjorn’s father daughter relationship, e.c.t) and how they would fight together.

In the end, if they save the Certain Someone Captured, Talon would have in mind that there is a Bastion still living, which can resort to Overwatch having to take care of Bastion since now Brig and Reinhardt have rejoined it. Or leave it on a cliff hanger.

I understand OW2 Is being created during this time, so if blizzard desides to keep archives, this could make a cool story that expands the overwatch lore.


I like the idea of a Lindholm mission, but I don’t like the idea of Ingrid being captured. Null Sector could probably just attack Gothenburg because of the Ironclad Guild, and the Lindholms would be there to stop them.


I mean, we already know they’re going to get their own mission in OW 2.



omg i didnt know that! im actual so excited