Never ending amount of toxic chat playing Tank

Boy, I thought OW1 was bad with the toxic chat. In the 2 weeks this game has been out I’ve had to disable all team chat and voice, now it’s getting to where I have to disable just all chat in general.

Hey guys, if you didn’t know, there are multiple tanks in this game, and yes, PEOPLE ARE GOING TO PLAY THEM. Including ones like Ball and Doomfist. GASP! I know. I will set up a rest area here for those to catch their breath, you continue reading when you’re ready.

Is the toxic chat just more prevalent now that there’s one tank or are these people just done with the game and trying to speed run their bans? I’ve been a day 1 player of Overwatch and I’ve NEVER noticed it this bad before. Is it just me?

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The problem is the forums/Youtube, DF isn’t very good right now, but all the info online compounds this (when people wouldn’t usually learn for a while) and all they do is parrot what they see online.

It’s the same reason everyone plays Hog in OW1. All the streamers started saying ‘if you want to win just play Hog’ and every pleb just took is a life guidance lmao.

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I’ve been saying it for years and in multiple posts, but Youtube is a huge issue when it comes to this game. Every one and their dog thinks they should watch a Youtube video on Overwatch and then try to emulate and apply it to low elo ladder games. If you are not a very high level player, STAY OFF YOUTUBE. It only puts their minds into “this is how game is played, if person X does not play game this way they are playing wrong, must flame, they stupid, they don’t know what Youtube man said, rage and throw game, cause problems, write toxic chat. etc etc.”

And again, I never see this kind of nonsense with other games. It’s ONLY Overwatch.

Yh it must just be the tactical nature of OW that forces people to go to Youtube…

It CAN be helpful in leanring positioning/timings etc but 90% of people ust grab onto the most useless **** and repeat it over and over lol.

“omg you picked a hero who isnt meta, a toxic streamer told me that means you’re trolling and that you’re subhuman and many other things”

“yeah instead of thinking for myself im just going to follow what they say!”

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A lot of players want ez-mode. They want a tank that behaves like they did back in boring two tank double shield OW1. The fact is that you can win with any of the tanks on your team. The ones you mentioned (I’d add JQ to that as well) don’t play like the tanks people were used to in OW1, so they get frustrated - and then if they are a toxic personality, they will lash out.

You should play the heroes you think are fun. If you have a teammate who plays a hero that isn’t “meta”, you should not get frustrated that they aren’t conforming to your own idea of how OW should be played, but rather adapt to the team comp you got - you will win more games that way.

I mean it’s all fun and games but if in one day in comp all you get is DF or JQ into enemy Zarya…or ball into hog sombra, it’s just not funny anymore at that point…

I’ve had some really questionable tank choices last night but I didn’t flame. It did tilt me off the planet though.

Switch heroes or lose game.

Welcome to Blizzard balancing.

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Just had my entire team harassing me in team chat. After first round, all 4 of them quit, so I’m guessing they are grouped. Then the enemy team starts harassing me about how I’m playing.

So this is just how this game is going to be? I have to just sit in absolute silence? I might as well just play with the AI at this point.

go into text chat menu and turn them off so you only see the stuff like “i need healing” etc voice lines

I don’t care about trash talk. I outgrew the entitled, sensitive stage in middle school; people will use words and I can’t stop them from doing it. Whatever.

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This is how it is every game. I’m effing tired of it man. Having to disable all comms is absolutely ridiculous because then you’re just sitting in dead silence playing with yourself. Every game is a 3+ person abusive chat report today.

Tell them once to join voice if they want to talk, then ignore chat for the rest of the game. You can’t take anyone seriously who insists on typing instead of having a conversation in comms. Do your normal callouts in voice, and mute anyone who is toxic there.

If some kid is so awkward IRL that he/she needs to be toxic in a video game to get that ego boost, that’s their problem, not yours.

Sorry, Blizzard gave us 5v5 which means if you’re in the tank position, you’re hurting your team if you’re not running the meta in that ONE available position.

Thank you for this exceptional gameplay experience Blizzard. 5v5 is soooo innovative and all the players really love it.
