Nerf widow she is broken as hell

Tradittionally id exchange a nerfed gun for actual utility, here is the full idea

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She need dmg ult so players in low ranks can do little bit more with her than skilled shots.

A long range echo focus beam would be a fair kind of deadly. Enough of a chance to react at full health and for projectile heroes to duel fairly, but still very valuable with good positioning.

You can’t be long range AND burst or you’re beyond oppressive to squishies and you invalidate healers.

dude what. She has a global ult, thats what keeps a widow who doesnt know when to ult and when not to in a lower rank. It is one of the best and worst ults in the game because it just depends on how good the player on widow actually is. I dont want to make her a 2nd budget hanzo with a easy mode button. If people wanna climb as widow they need to actually be good instead of 1 tricking heroes like mercy or brig to GM while having no game sense or any mechanical skill what so ever

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she is broken
and u can’t nerf her in that way
just go full on dive and 24/7 on her even if u lose

Literally an owl professional that has a surprisingly deep understanding of the game, and is at his rank, not because of insane mechanics, but next level gamesense and reads on the enemy team.

You do realize that this is a team based game, lmfao.

How do you react to the laser lol? Youre gonna look at your body and see where the laser is? If youre trying to “react” to the shot youre already as good as dead. You have to avoid not react.

It’d presumably be visible along the entire path, not just at the end. Basically a tracer that’s always on.

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I just want dmg ult on widow, thats all.

I don’t think Widow is OP. I wouldn’t mind if they made it take a full charge to 1 shot a squishy as long as they nerfed Hanzo in a similar manner. And if they fixed her damn grapple hook, that would be nice. That thing always gets me killed. It either attaches to something I’m not even looking at or it won’t attach. Lowering sens of grapple makes it not latch onto anything. :frowning:

I like this idea. Maybe she could fire instantly fully charged shots for a brief period of time?

bunker comp
Double sheild.

Its almost like theres some type of pattern, like, pros are running high survivability and heavy sheild comps to counter Widow. Maybe the game will progress if we actually did something about Widow. I mean in the OWL the team that gets the first kill wins the fight 80% of the time. That’s why metas are always one shots or incredibly long lasting survivability comps. Nobody wants to be the first to lose a man.

Not only Widowmaker is obviously overpowered, but she is also obnoxious when cheaters infesting the game use her. They have “natural aim” bots now that don’t look very suspicious when they flick directly to someone head in 0.05 seconds.

Overwatch does not need a long range sniper.

She should have something what will do dmg or kills but is not mechanicaly demanding. But it cant break her at high elos too. Simply something what hanzo does. Bad hanzo still can get value with ult. Bad widow has nothing to offer in low ranks. Nobody even notice if you ult in spawn.

if you are getting killed by a widow its because your positioning is bad, widows are the perfect example of a glass cannon. she requires loads of skill to play and this is from a pharah main widow players are easy as hell to deal with

That idea sounds lovely

Getting clapped 300 meters away is why I hate widow. But the laser gives me a last word before I’m gone.

well chipsa doesn’t admit his faults and whines like a child so id rather not include him in this “Im So UnLuCkY, iM tHe UnLuCkIeSt PlAyEr In ThE wOrLd” i was in his stream and he got killed fair and square and thats what i heard after 5 minutes of watching how he got gm i dont know

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forces nublets to get better why give a gladd cannon hero an easy mechanic

So basically you watched a NoobHunter clip of him getting mad at a widow?

Either way he is right. Widow is… horribly busted rn.