Unbalanced low risk high reward
And how do you get the floor is lava from an engineer? What genius came up with that idea? And what other genius approved it?
How about another character that makes the air into radiation?
Unbalanced low risk high reward
And how do you get the floor is lava from an engineer? What genius came up with that idea? And what other genius approved it?
How about another character that makes the air into radiation?
For low tiers he is certainly overpowered. Especially if you play a short range flank character whom he counters well and refused to play smarter or swap. Swapping to something like S76 who can burst it down quickly or heal while under fire. Getting off Sombra/Tracer to poke it from range with Genji instead.
When you get into mid-tier he’s a solid pick, but starts to fall off a bit a you realize you need to start landing juicy primary fire shots in order to keep with any reasonable value. Especially since aiming a projectile with arc is one of the hardest things in the game to do consistently.
i can agree he is not built for 5v5 one we don’t have an extra tank to block while the DPS kills it it has more health than most of the roster it has insane range while being hit-scan that never misses and do not give me wow losing to an ai it never misses unlike pve ai which get hit percentages and has chance to miss. on top of all of that he has a stronger shotgun the reaper and gets a boost to heath fire rate and movement speed he’s super strong and will be insne once we move to a defence meta
how useless would you have to be to not be able to kill a hero with such a big hitbox and with such a slow shot?
Torb himself doesn’t need a nerf, but his damn turret does. That crap can track across the whole map and land shots perfectly each time… and it has 250 HP? Sh!t, most DPS don’t have that.
It also can’t move…
but it can be healed and with one less tank its harder to deal with along side he can destroy it himself before you kill it and he gets it back in 5 seconds instead of 10
it turns the game from 5v5 to 6v5 when its out on the field
Really the only thing I think should be nerfed about Torb is his turret’s range. Maybe it’s just a console issue, but turret tears up entire teams at Diamond.
And when Torb does heal his turret, he can’t do anything else. He heals it for 50HP per hit. You can easily outdamage that.
If he destroys it himself, while the turret is shooting or within a certain timeframe after it shot, the CD is actually 10 seconds. The 5 second CD is only when it is destroyed while not being in combat, so he can reposition it faster.
Simply use cover to kill the turret. Any projectile character has an easy time shooting it, as they can simply take cover, peak quickly to shoot while taking no to minimal damage and take cover again.
And even Hitscan don’t have much of a problem.
Sorry to say, but the turret really isn’t a problem if you know how to play around it. And if you don’t know how to do so, you have to learn it.
okay one no he can just put it on point and look its a large no head shot health pool you have to burn through while fighting the enemy team and it doing damage while never missing
aww yes because its a projectile so i can just get away no its a hit scan so as you shoot it your trading health to hit it and if he’s healing it because your playing peka boo you wont kill it our side junk and pharah
Lol… this is hilarious… no just no, if you’re losing to torb, its a you problem… torb is now and always has been trash tier… ever since they removed his LVL 3 turret ult which was amazing for shutting down crap like nano blade
other than that yeah he’s garbage
Yes. 250 HP on an immobile target.
Mei, Soldier, Ashe, Cassidy, Pharah, Junkrat, Widow, Torb, Bastion, Ana, Zen, Lucio, even Mercy, all have it pretty easy in killing the turret.
Again, if Torb is repairing his turret, he is not doing anything else during this time.
Are you trading health? Sure. But luckily this is a team game and you should have supports that can simply heal you afterwards
okay that is 250 damge that could have killed a dps or support or helped kill a tank but no it was to kill and ai aim bot turret how can you not see the problem there
cool so now you have 2 people to get rid of this one target great while you probily have a torb shooting you with a shot gun stronger and faster then reapers
you know, when i used to play torb (i don’t play this garbage game anymore)
i could never get the turret even set up, because as soon as i put it down it would get
Helix rocketed, fire striked, micro missled, ana primary fired, shurikened, phara rocketed, baptise primary fired, mcree’ed, ashed, widowed, hanzoed, etc etc etc untill it was destroyed, usually in about 0.1 seconds
if you are having trouble with a turret, its a you problem,
sound like you just sucked at placing the turret
What even is this argument.
Is your next post that Rein shouldn’t have a barrier since you have to shoot 1200 HP, with which you could have killed the whole enemy team with?
Oh so suddenly Torb is shooting his gun instead of repairing his turret, which was you previous argument.
Jesus. I don’t say this often, but this clearly is a skill issue and you should learn how to play around the turret, rather than complaining about it on the forum.
Torb is a decent character, sure, but neither him nor his turret are OP
pretty rich coming from you, who sucks at killing it-
one rei cant do damage while his barrier is up and it only heals when not in use so bad argument and a bad try at poisoning the well
well yes because his damage out put is crazy and killing you is faster the healing his turret because on most maps if the torb has 3 brain cells he places it some where you cant shoot it from long range and he can just case you down wit his 125 damage shot gun or 70 damage nail
nope, you either place it somewhere where it can’t be shot, but it also can’t shoot anything
or you place it somewhere it can shoot something but it instantly gets taken out, usually by a hanzo
or you place it on point havign the top poking over the top or you flace it behind a wall where e they walk throw and while in a team fight move to it and the start getting damaged by it sound like you just through it in the middle of the road or on a ledge
try playing torb instead of genji… you will find out very very quickly how easy you have it as genji