Nerf this unbalanced monster you created


You mean Moria of course


yes, because the shift in the meta was toning several heroes down, and she was left the same.

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I get a pretty good kick out of it too :joy: I specifically remember several people claiming Brig was “dumpstered” “trash tier” “useless” “gutted”, one of the most notorious fools was GaiaFireBird, which I haven’t seen since. He’s been absolutely silent since Brig has become meta without any of the buffs he claimed she needed. Still has a 200hp barrier, still has the same self heal & was actually nerfed since. Good stuff. He just wouldn’t listen when I said reworked Brig was better than ever… Brig prior to her rework never would have succeed in 2-2-2. Her team healing was abysmal


Like for exampel?
Mercy got a straight healing buff. Ana got a healing nerf, but she stays largely uneffected and is still support top dog. Zen got discord buff. How is she suddenly that strong compared to her support competition?


People love mercy. Specially female players. Even if she goes to f tier she is still gonna get played. If brig was c tier, not evev d, no one would even consider touching her. Whats exciting about this hero? It makes moira look skillfull


plays genji, complains about counter specifically to hero’s just like genji… Yeah blizzard brig is the problem. Listen to the flanker mains about their hero’s being counter that the counter is op to literally everything else too that they hardly play.

Alright I’ll grant it to you, you’re playing more than just flankers exclusively, but the bias is still Way too strong here mate.


Why is Lucio Ana for infinite seasons ok but Brig Ana for a few seasons is suddenly extremely bad?

Why must it always be Ana Lucio?

Why can’t it be Bap and Zen or Mercy and Zen or whatever.

Why does it have to be Lucio Ana every single freaking time?

Also, apparently you guys want Dive back and Brig currently enables it the best, so why u cryin’?


Where’d you get a working time machine?


Posts like this would give a -5 intelligence stat to the poster if it wasnt already at 0.


:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Applause for your clever as hell reply! I salute you. XD


I want to know this too, maybe then I can go back and actually do something about the people that made me so jaded and untrusting from highschool. This be some top of the line tech if they found/built a time machine that worked.


Stereotypes and sexism! Cops arrest this felon!
(There are many dudes that play Mercy, they just aren’t always manly enough to admit to it.)

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It’s a GameShark hack.
You have to buy a GameShark, put the cartridge in your system and then enter cheat code when you boot up your machine to activate.

You’ll know it worked when she starts glowing gold and her hair stands up, is now suddenly blonde and has green eyes for some reason when choose her at the character select screen.


i dont care which healer is meta. i just dont want a healer to be better tank than off tanks, better dps than half our dps and also extremely good as healer bcs of the armor.

She hardly gets played anymore And easily countere
Get a grip

Most games ive played people whinge shes a throw pick

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Does she really though? I mean, you can boil literally every character down to the bare minimum that they do and call them low effort.


When internet explorer makes a post


And her shield is so bad. It goes down in a few secs and then she dies

Its laughable that u have a problem with her