Nerf immortality field

… and buff everything else. His immortality field is the sole reason he cant be buffed.

“hey baptiste mercy and zen needs small buffs to make them more viable”

“only zen should get them”

“but why all of them are weak compared to other supports?”

“iMoRtaLiTy fiElD and rEz”

immortality field is also hard to get real value out of by the average player, and can really only be used in OWL, but because of this “op” ability, bap doesnt get buffs.

I dont mind nerfs to immortality field if it means other buffs to his kit can actually make him viable to play outside OWL.

Sure immortality field is a strong ability. But does having it mean that the rest of his kit be bad?

And tbh I dont see it get much value outside very few situation ( and in OWL). Its just like moiras new fade. Meh when used by casuals, but OP when played in OWL.

just look at this tweet

When I first read it I thought.

is this guy stupid? sure immortality field is good, but it has a really long CD and its not easy to get good value since its easily destroyed

Then I realized that for me, a casual it may be extremely situational, but for him, an OWL player its Overpowered.

Should the fact that its OP for less than 1000 players mean that baptiste should be bad for every1 else? No, ofcourse not

Nerfing IF and buffing everything else solves both problems, aswell as making him more fun to play, and play against

Him zen, and mercy desperately need buffs if they want to keep up with other supports.

This is the same reason why I dont want the moira fade buff to go through

people will complain, everything else will get nerfed and she will be ruined just because of the existence of one “op” ability

Rework immortality field so you can toss the drone onto 1 teammate, the immortality cannot be destroyed but it lasts 2 maybe 3 seconds (2 1/2 might be best) then buff the rest of his kit.

Immo field is fun and good and the downtime is such that you can easily play around it. Let supports and tanks have powerful abilities and utility.

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IF is cool but its a very problematic ability, just like rez.

No matter how much they nerf/buff it its never going to be fully balanced for everyone (I personally think its fine rn) Im afraid Bap is doomed to be tied up to the power of lamp until they rework it.

Pass. Owl just doesn’t have any sense that they are a pro going against another pro and get mad when they get outplayed.

I like Baptiste and especially in 222, having some agency regarding tanking outside of desperately relying on tanks is a very needed addition.

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It’s what makes Baptiste unique though.

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“nerf low w/r hero because my feels”


They already nerfed him once, and he’s no longer picked in any meaningful game. Why is this a problem now?


More than anything, I’d like IF and AMP matrix kinda switched.

AMP matrix is basically useless in the game. It’s so niche that it’s obsolete, and holds the distinction of being the only ult worse than 'Cree’s or Pharah’s.

I’d like to see “the window of opportunity” with a shorter duration and decent cooldown, then make IF better and make it an ult. IF would make a fitting support ult, in that it can save teammates from imminent demise like Trance, Sound Barrier, and Rally. It’d need buffs in duration and probably made non-destructible, but then it’d be ready to go.

Either way, I do like Bap and play him occasionally. I think I may, someday, if I hate myself enough to drag my face across enough comp matches, get his gold weapon. His Spec Ops skin looks really good with a gold gun.

Immo field would be the worst ult in the game by a huge margin.

Just like amp matrix is the worst ult in the game by a very small margin right now.