Nerf Hanzo please

Title says it all…


But how? You didn’t describe what you particularly dislike about his kit.

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I dont like any of his kit but to be specific, his ultimate and his storm arrows.

Nerf the part where he is basically hitscan with hitboxes the size of tree logs and you just spam arrows at head height for easy kills.


both storm arrows and his ultimate are getting nerfed…

Yes. I’ve seen those nerfs but i’m pretty sure it wont change much.

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Oh, ffs. This stupid “log” argument again


Its true though XD. His hitbox is the size of Roadhog (exaggerated)

The good news is that you’ve proven you have no idea what you’re talking about, so this is a good place to /thread.

You’ve clearly shown that you don’t know what sarcasm is. Also, i put exaggerated in brackets so clearly you can’t read either.