Nerf Discord Orb

They are definitely gonna nerf Discord eventually, they just are probably trying to figure out what to buff on Zen to keep the hero strong, and how to nerf Discord exactly

Personally I think they could nerf Discord to like 15% on Tanks only, and then maybe give him some buff somewhere else.


And in return he has a giant hitbox, no mobility, no CC, little healing and projectiles. Meanwhile Ana can block a Tank from being healed, has decent damage, broken healing, AoE healing, burst self heal, anti heal, and CC.

All you have to do is look at how overloaded every other support’s kit is and then seriously consider whether Zen having 1 good thing about his entire kit is “broken”. Try actually playing him and seeing how hard it is to stay alive.


That doesn’t matter for the tank player. Thats just leaving it to “i hope my damage characters go kill that zen so i can actually play the game”

This is just an air argument.

I could say the same thing about plenty of things in overwatch that were still problematic.

“Go try running goats and see how well you do”

“Go try using double shield and see how many wins you get”

I don’t play zen. Obviously im not going to do well on him. That doesn’t change the fact discord is a bad ability for the game.

Also for the record i never said zen was broken, but the argument “he only has 1 really op thing in his kit other characters have more” doesn’t make him any less of a problem.

I’d like to see a nerfed discord on an experimental card. I have no issue with discord as is but all these Zen threads have me curious.

the op has a point though even i believe it needs to be nerfed

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How about this?


Be careful with posts like this, a certain Zen main will come in here and write 20 posts about how wrong he thinks you are.

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Agreed nerf discord and give him a power shift

yeah I used to defend discord then I actually played tank, Nerf Anti Nade and nerf Discord


Zen is fine.

He needs Discord as is since his mobility is zero.


No hes not he was fine in 6v6 not for 5v5

Easy solution, let him discord.or heal. Not both at the same time.


If the nerf to Ana’s sleep dart is anything to go by (which was long overdue) I can see them weakening it on tanks only.

Otherwise his rather squishy and slow compared to other supports.


Not as big as people like to exaggerate

Boop kick???

Thats why he has range


I’m fine with Discord. The solution to discord is dive zen. Get someone who can keep on Zen’s butt all game and prevent him from putting it on tanks.

My answer to this is simply

Kick and volley. It kills a lot of singular dive. Tbh I think Discord orb might need a tweak for tanks, but that’s really about it. Zen’s very counterable. It’s usually a real skill issue when you can’t deal with the zen and also a skill issue if you don’t know when to swap out of zen.

some room temperature iq takes here, just run kiriko and have her cleanse it off you

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Dude he can put it on the tank and still fight who ever is diving him.

And i think your iq is equal to you posts. cool its cleansed then its put intently back on

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Stop playing the victim card dude. Every time I read your name it’s some crap like “You deserve Discord Orb hahaha but don’t look at me, I the Zen player am fine, no nerf please just use cover lul”.

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