Nerf Brigette already

This character is so broken on KOTH.


No, She’s very easy to counter, just stay away from her! /s.


She has received some nerfs and I think she’s balanced. Maybe you should try switching to a hero that counters her.


She has already gotten a few nerfs on her, if even with those nerfs you still can’t beat her then you need to get better.

Sorry but its not a character’s fault that you can’t seem to deal with it.


I’m not entirely sure how they would make a Nerf rocket flail… perhaps rubber bands and a latch so that you could either swing it normally or throw it… :thinking:

Neat idea though, I think Nerf already makes swords, so this shouldn’t be too hard for them.


Yes, in a game where its about taking control of a point (payload, King of the Hill, 2CP) you can just stay away from her…


I asure you objectives are not as small as a circle with an 8 meter radius.


what nerf would you propose? her bash has been nerfed as has her ult. what more do you want?


They’ve already nerfed her several times. In fact, another nerf to her shield bash cooldown (will be 7 seconds) is happening on Thursday. They have also explicitly stated that they don’t want to reduce her shield health or up-time. So, even though that has been requested, the devs have said no to that.

What nerf do you propose?


And in said game, you don’t actually have to be on the point to kill the people who are on it. Also, the game doesn’t end just because a point got taken. The team has to keep holding the point.

If Brigitte standing on an objective just automatically won the game for her team, everyone would be playing Brigitte and you would see her in every game. Instead, Mercy and Zen are picked like six times as much. And in OWL, Brigitte has literally almost no playtime. If Brigitte were truly overpowered, you’d see her in almost every pro match.



Don’t try to use logic on the common folk.

We want to pretend this is a new issue, that standing on the objective 100% of the time isn’t necessary and most players know tanks should lead the charge.

But the fact is this game has been full of morons who hold W toward the objective and die constantly to other heroes since launch.

The difference is that Brigitte gets up close and takes up more than 50% of their screen while killing them, so their normally attention deficit tendencies are forced to focus on her and allows a competent amalgamation of thought to form about a hero. It’s barely coherent enough to manifest in the idea that Brigitte kills them because they walk into her, but not self-aware enough to recognize that the finger they have fused to their W key can actually be removed to alleviate this condition.

Naturally Blizzard’s greatest hope is that Fortnite belts out something colorful and distracting to pull these players away from their game so they can end up in a youtube montage of below average players getting wiped out en masse by McCreamy or Twomad, or maybe they get trolled by Dunkey if they’re lucky.


Just stay out of her range! 4Head

The intelligence of some players in this game/forum just amazes me.

Just lower her shield hp, she doesn’t need a 600hp shield that regens quickly.

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The devs said they won’t lower the shield HP.



Did they fix the bug that allowed her to stun rein thru his shield?

No but she can easily walk her Swedish a** anywhere she wants to within the full radius of objective area, and flail to death whoever is “stupid enough to get in her range” by fighting on objectives and trying to win.

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Here is the source…


Well they could reduce her healing over time.Right now flailing you once allows her to heal 16 hp for 5 seconds=80hp .She flails you three times and is up to full health while hiding behind her 600 hp shield.