Nerf Bastions turret mode to 6 seconds

Oh gosh I forgot they were doing that knockback ability thing to replace his self repair.

I find it so weird that they are giving Bastion a knockback ability lol.


His new ult is weird too. I wonder how indoors works. Can he shoot himself in a low ceiling building? Can he shoot people who are inside a building? If it interacts like that then it’d be super worthless in enclosed buildings.

I ask what other things has Ball going for him apart his hook?

His personal shield? He is a tank, that needs this to initiate as dive tank somehow. Not really something worth mentioning.

And what else? Oh wait, his ult? Sure it offers some damage and is nice to tap a point, but bastions ult is not so bad either.

So, what has wrecking ball other than his hook? His bumb? Well, that relies on his hook and is just an extension of that ability.

The entire hero boils down to the hook. And despite his low winrate, he gets a pure nerf to his main ability without any compensation.

Did I miss something here?


A lot of characters would be stronger atm if it wasn’t for casuals and low ranks demanding the game to be catered to them

ok but a lot of the interactions won’t last 6 seconds?

Assuming you’re talking about bastion, 90% of his power won’t revolve around being stationary and guarded anymore. To me that will be more fun.

If you’re talking about Ball I’m not sure losing infinite spin2win is necessarily more fun, but I thought of a way to remove spin2win without removing many if any other techs/strategies

Arguably one of the worst ults in the game

tankmode? No it’s pretty good. Oneshots most people and allows rocket jumps. Too bad the devs are deleting it for a lame artillery mode.

and most of those new/low ran players are playing mostly Damage Heroes.
so, they ask for Tank nerfs.

If we just go by majority here, OW2 will be a sad game where you basically can only pick Rein as tank. Because other tanks may not have nice things in the eyes of these people… They cry if you don’t pick Rein and cry when other tanks bash em…
This is a logical problem of those players mindset that can’t be fixed by any balance patch imho.

sure. As most SPIN2WIN attempts don’t work either…^^
so why nerf the entire kit?
the 6 second nerf, kills more tactile options than just Spin2Win as said.

100% agree. He’s even missing an ability slot I don’t by they can’t keep it, even if it’s in a nerfed state.

I feel like it was inevitable with the 5 v 5 format. It would be miserable playing a solo tank vs something with 450 dps. Hopefully things like storm arrows get a similar treatment.

I guess it remains to be seen how valuable being able to move in sentry will be. Apparently the speed boost was buffed since they revealed the changes last year.

Your suggestion is far less restrictive and seems like a good compromise.

But I still question the necessarily of the nerf.

Ball has been sort of dominating high ranks for quite awhile now, he probably needs a nerf, but I don’t think this one is good as is at it effects quite a lot of things Ball can do.

Did the devs provide this reasoning?

I’m asking this because it’s wrong from all aspects.

Hammond wasn’t rightfully nerfed because people were unwilling or incapable to shoot/stun a huge ball moving in a predictable pattern. It happened mainly because last - second panic - switched by Defenders to Hammond for stalling purposes were often uncounterable, because the Attackers can’t just switch to counter him at that point.

The same thing is ironically also true for Bastion up to an extent, btw.

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Is bastion meta? does bastion can stall point?
If anything he should be allowed to move in sentry mode.

blizz can make changes for lower ranks, they dont want the game to die because it sucks to play in the ranks where most people are

people need to get over the fact that it is NOT just about the top

They should also put Pharah’s flight on a 6 second timer while they’re at it.


It’s actually an amazing fix.

It doesn’t allow a low Elo player to click one button and punish their lobby.

It also does nothing to high Elo.

To think this change is in any way bad speaks volumes.

really? I don’t watch pro play that often, but as far as I’m aware his pickrate is still low compared to other tanks (especially compared to other heroes high time regarding patches).

Dunno for sure, but that is what I have picked up on the internet (that is was due to Spin2Win).
Last minute switch roll out as excuse for this nerf is even worse imho. As you said, there are other heroes with the same problem and a much higher pick and winrate like Bastion.
Further this problem would be much better addressed with a 10-15m dangerzone at the end of the map that forbids switching for the defending team. Once they mange to get out of the dangerzone, they can switch again. Would be a much better solution to this problem imho.

I’m not asking for Bastion nerfs, that was just an example as said. But do you know who stalls best now imho? Lucio. I have ~100h on him and about 80h on Ball. And believe me, that Lucio already has an easier time stalling due to his constant heal and wallride-bunnyhopping for max speed (without speed aura/boost). His bumb is easier to set up and a bigger knockback range.

I have to ask, how is it justified that the single stall tank in the game gets nerfed because he does his job well (not perfect, just well).
I don’t see this justified.

While I agree with the part that the lower ranks also matter for the success of the game, I don’t think that newbies are in the position to make healthy demands/requests.
Just as real life example: Assume you just started to study on a topic. How realistic is it that you can make any meaningful arguments without even gasping the entire basics of a topic ? Realistically speaking, most newbie requests are either useless or even harmful. Because of the lack of basic knowledge.
In overwatch this translates to basic game knowledge. If someone doesn’t have a basic understanding how to counter every character in the game, chances are high that his demands and request are not realistic nor healthy for the game.

I hope that this is sarcasm^^
Because if we keep up this mentality, why bother with heroes at all? Just give us a generic hero for everyone. Imho that is where we will end if we don’t stop this^^

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Yes, this.

Also lucio they stall forever and boop everyone

I have to genuinely ask if you did bother to read the arguments.
If not, here’s a nice short video that explains the situation (while it doesn’t cover all tricks that have been lost, it gives a good impression.