Nerf Artillery!

Artillery is completely broken. This heroe needs a nerf now. Do your work and fix this :angry:


And with the expanded Hitbox of S9, they are getting direct headshots instead of the splash damage they are supposed to do.

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I thought this was gonna be about Bastionā€™s ult lol

Wtf is that screenshot and wtf is artillery if not bastion?

thats the kind of hacking that would be fun and zany, wouldnt mind that over a soldier 76 hacker

if i encountered that i mean

Artillery is generally back-line fire. Usually old, or classic defense-role heroes fall into artillery, some supports also fit into this.

Basically, the artillery heroes would be the following.

  • Ashe
  • Hanzo
  • Bastion
  • Junkrat
  • Widowmaker
  • Illari
  • Pharah
  • Sigma

Generally, these heroes tend to produce strong fire, or pressure from the backline and can engage targets from more than 25 meters away. Heroes like Torbjorn and Symmetra can also fit into artillery classifications, but they themselves have their own niche in being builders and donā€™t always fall into typical or strict artillery classifications.

Likewise, some Supports like Illari, Ana, and Zenyatta can act as artillery. Artillery doesnā€™t necessarily have to mean ā€œbig, slow, heavy damageā€. Basically anything that covers a wide range and supplements the forward line infantry can be considered artillery.

As to whether or not its overpowered; that generally depends on individual heroes and analyzing the argument put forward. In Overwatch, a lot of artillery positions tend to be safer and get a lot of reward for the less risk associated with more infantry-like heroes. They to demand less healing, some have powerful or useful area effect abilities or tend to fire faster and more accurately than a few frontline heroes. A good example would be Ashe, whose Dynamite and burn abilities can cause some serious area effect damage, but Asheā€™s own scoped fire tends to be more effective/accurate and tends to have a better fire rate than Genjiā€™s own primary fire.

Likewise Hanzoā€™s ultimate covers a wide area while he makes up for the lack of area effect in his individual abilities. And Junkrat and Pharah can cause a lot of explosive damage from great distances even if they arenā€™t too accurate.


Is this coming from some WoT players or smth? Artilleryā€¦ I guess. Thx for the explanation though!

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I love this lmao.

Anyone remember years ago, some guys hacked into comp and managed to play the fricken Heavy Assault unit from the Retribution Archives mission? Hell they were able to play as anything, even the simple bots that would do nothing but go to the objective and self-destruct lmao