Nerf Ana and Kiriko


Most overtuned characters that almost every single competitive match it’s just a mirror between those two.

I play Support only and I never can’t go anything else because Ana and Kiriko have so much value that they counter each other

Kiriko a hero that has 0 weak points only gets buffs after buffs for no reason

LW/Lucio/Illari/Zenyatta/Mercy (unless premade) and now Juno are not even played at all.


Lmao stop lying. Juno is hard meta atm


Kiriko keeps being buffed because the data has consistently showed her to underperforming contrary to community perception.


Im just a lone wanderer looking for Kiriko buffs. Actual real Kiri buffs that is. Where are these criminal buffs OP?


i don’t think the problem with these characters is anything statistical.
the problem with ana Is that she’s suppose to be a hard hero to play in order to balance out how powerful the kit is, but once you throw in the big body tanks nowbher shots are no longer hard to land. and she ends up being the bane of half the tank roster.

Kiriko’s problem is that they gave her everything, which is just bad design, Because now in order to keep her balanced she has to habe bad stats, and any stat boost can easily make her too strong

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We can all see Juno is the 2nd highest played support in T500 this season. Why you lying


is any of that data made public? I always wondered what the pick rates were and what the data really said

I think she should have poison daggers, less damage but DOT

Nerf Ana, people will play less Kiriko.


You absolutely cannot nerf Ana until you nerf hazard and doom.

Ana is being forced above Juno in the meta (and thus kiriko) because how the **** else are you supposed to stop hazard (mostly) and doom (partly) from ******* all over your team otherwise?


Not really. Ana has overtaken her in playtime because she’s one of the only true counters to Hazard

meta as in what? in t500? Ana everywhere. Juno Brig were omnipresent last season now it’s basically just Ana/Kiri mirrors because they’re better against the FOTM tank


I will bap until I die


Guys, I don’t understand how we’re having a nerf discussion and I haven’t seen Genji mentioned even once. Am I the only one who follows tradition here?

Nerf Genji.


Sadly no, we only get what the devs share. Otherwise the best we have is Overbuff ,which iirc, is pretty on point for mid-ranks according to devs but not so much for the high end.

125 hs with 30 dmg body.

Double jump + solved suzu ghost frames

A bike emote.



It’s sad that in order to counter the enemy tank the supports need to swap like it doesn’t make any sense.

Ana and Kiriko at least deserve some kind of nerf hammer, damage/healing fall off etc. Ana at close range its extremely deadly because it’s almost impossible to miss a grenade nor sleep dart.


If an Ana is close range and you’re complaining about her using abilities to gain an advantage, you should be mad at yourself if you and your team can’t make her regret the decision to be in that space with you.


Since you have no clue about anything at OW.

The point of Ana weakness should be at close range and have advantage at long range. She has less troubles dealing with flankers or enemies at close range because her kit its overturned.


What heroes do you play into Ana the most?

Also, let her bullet jump and slide

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