Nemesis - leaked Hero 29

A “nuke” in overwatch? Not really sophisticated is it?

Doubt it…I mean would LOVE it cause I adore PvE, but it’s obvious they’re focus is OWL and Comp. I mean heck there hasn’t been a new bot added to vs AI and they have Symm, Orisa, and Talon Sniper (pretty much Widow) to go off of but nope.

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I heard about this “leak”

I don’t mind if its true tho

Storymodes are the best thing in whole leak tho, I’d take those even before a new hero

Story Mode? Fake News stupid…

The leak is super-fake. Already suspicious for claiming Overwatch would get a ‘story-mode’ - but the WoW section of the same leak claimed most of WoW’s time would be mostly dedicated to the upcoming 8.1 patch. This has already been confirmed not to be the case; 8.1 is hardly going to be discussed at all. The panel intends to talk about more long term plans than that.

If blizzard makes a quake styled character I might play this game again.

Says 4chan. The last like …15 leaks from there have been fake.

Man, for a leak all that stuff is really vague.

wouldn’t that just leave real leaks then? lawl

And yet we have

well if we get a robot i hope he is mean and evil…

the robots from evolve are much cooler

Yeah. I dont believe that leak anywats, because it said that content would be behind lootboxs/credits and blizzard would never do that. They would make expansion packs though

sounds fake, I don’t think that blizzard would put a nuke in their game. it doesn’t fit the universe

pharah? shes pretty quake like

they could easily make a mini nuke grenade launcher…

do you understand what a nuke is?

The thing that tells me the leak is fake is that bit about having to loot or buy game modes. Won’t happen unless it’s a full-on DLC.

This is not a leak, is a fanfiction.

Thats the only reason why I REALLY want this leak to be real lol

New Sym skin = Me is happy