Needed statistic updates

As a quality of life change i would really appreciate it if we could get map specific stats. Overall stats can only show so much, so sometimes they end up being misleading because youre boosting your stats on maps youre good on and cover up those where you suck.

Having map specific stats shows your own short comings and on what you need to work on to get better.

Also stats need to be more up to date.

Lets say you start in gold but youre skilled enough on x hero to get to plat. So you play the hero, you win and climb and mentain a positive winrate. Until you hit your personal skill limit and it balanced out to 50%.

However, due to your match history overall your positive winrate will never fall down to 50% but stays positive consistently unless you start to lose more games on the hero than win.

This again is misleading to yourself and your teammates.