Need to Nerf Ram Ultimate

Especially in Quick Play

Why? (20 characters)


Its broken in Quick Play…

High Healing AND Damage, AND you can just walk around anywhere you want with it. That only ends when all the Enemy is dead

As far as I’m aware, Ramattra does not gain any healing from his ult? I checked the wiki and see nothing about healing at all.
It’s 30 damage per second. That makes the time to kill a 250hp hero who is receiving no healing and doesn’t leave the range about 8.3 seconds… Which is pretty long in a game like OW.
But when you add in all the other factors that happen in-game… Ram being healed by supports, enemy team also dealing damage (especially to those within Ram’s ult range), your supports healing you, or if they even can heal you because maybe they need to put their resources into someone else… Lots of things affect it.
Personally I hate playing against Ram’s ult, I think it’s a bit no-skill, but it’s balanced. You just gotta learn how to play around it. Stay out of the range, take cover, go within healing range for your supports, etc etc.


Ram ult does not heal, and his ult does 30DPS a second, less than a melee hit. It also ends if players do not stand in it, so you don’t have to all be dead for it to end. Hope this helps.


Cut los to ramattra and tve ult can’t hurt you. The payload can save your life if you position it between the ramattra and yourself.

If everyone leaves the ult are, it ends in 2 seconds.
If you are being healed and the ramattra is alone, you can stay in there if you dodge punches.

My favourite is to heal allies under the payload while crouch hiding from the ramattra. Only works if he’s alone though and only some supports.

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He explodes whenever I play against him.

Ram ult used to be insanely broken for a while after his release but it’s pretty balanced now. It’s no longer a press Q to win teamfight ult.

It’s no longer a “press q and ult forever” either. It used to never end if the enemies kept staggering into the radius.
Now it at least ends in 20 seconds even if everyone does stay in the ult.

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In the state of the game no tanks need any nerfs

bro they have needed to get lamp outta the game or swap it to baps ult but they still havent after all of these years, i wouldnt hold your breath.

Rammatra low-key sucks right now, so this is a take and a half.