Need help with a ffa melee mode

i’m trying to make a melee brawl mode that’s torb-hammer only, but i can’t get the knockback to work no matter what i try. this is my first time making a custom game mode so idrk what i’m doing.

edit: code is NG6V3 if anyone wants to take a look

update: so i kind of got knockback to work using the apply impulse action, so now the main problem is ult charge. there’s no passive ult charge, when you hit someone, you’re supposed to gain 10, and when you get hit, you’re supposed to lose 5. the rule just sets you at 10 or 5 instead. any advice on how to fix this?

also, if there’s a better way to do knockback, that’d be great, bc right now it’s kinda… inconsistent and janky

i dont think torb hammer deals knockback like a normal melee would, which is why you cant just increase their knockback dealt, but i could be wrong… tbh its hard to even notice melee knockback when the player is moving, because of how small it is.

anyway to fix your ult charge issue, just do Set Ultimate charge(Ultimate Charge Percent - 5) or Set Ultimate charge(Ultimate Charge Percent + 10)

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ty ty! that helped a lot!