Need help. Ana damage

I’ve since swapped to using Ana as my main when I reach plat. Just wondering how much damage should I be doing as an Ana, for example, on a payload map, 2 rounds (attack 3 points and defense 3 points). Any help will be appreciated.

Overbuff shows the average Ana does 4400 Damage and 9900 healing.

I mean as any support you should be shooting out of position target and contributing to targets your team is shooting at.


There isn’t a single answer to this.
If you can guarentee a kill with a 2 shot nade combo then most cases you should take it.
If you can 3 shot their phara if the mercy is busy, you should take it.
But then you need to be able to keep an eye on everything else as well. Is that made kill worth more than a a 2 man anti on their tank line? Probably not.
Is that 3 shot on the phara worth more than keeping your main tank up? Probably not.

The unfortunate truth is you have to experiment and learn from mistakes.


Yes. Thank you for affirming that. Because my healing is always at gold medal and I’m worried I play Ana too defensively which may make me lose some team fights. I guess one way is to get someone to critique my play and I will get a personal coach. Thank you for the replies.

post a VOD and someone will review it!

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i agree with what they said, it’s not a number you should set your goal as, but building that sense of value recognition. knowing when you’d get more value by shooting out of position people/free kills (super jumping mercy’s, pharahs, spamming out a dps from highground etc)

a coach is always nice to have but you can also get a lot of intuition about that by watching ml7’s ana unranked to gm, since he comments on his thought process and why/when hes shooting people. spilo also has some good content on ana when it comes to getting that solo value

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Keep your teammates up first, and really make landing big anti-nades on enemies your offensive priority.

If you’re not proactively healing your allies, you will panic and be forced to nade them defensively.

Likewise, if you’re trying to duel DPS, you are more likely to be forced to nade yourself.

Focus on healing your teammates and make offensive plays with nades. It is literally the third best cooldown in the game (behind Immort and Rez).

All her stats are overrated except biotic grenades kills/10.

Get that up and I guarantee you’ll climb.

first off, congratulations on hitting plat!

i think the biggest thing i can say is: learn to adapt to your team’s needs.

in my diamond game on pc i had to output way more healing than damage (on ana actually). we won the game and i’ve peaked 3100 since. haven’t touched placements for support yet.

here’s a game that speaks to this sort of line of thinking, adapting to your team:

i had a game on watchpoint gibraltar, my team had a rein one trick. our other support picked ana, i picked brig. we basically got rolled that first round.

the second round, in my head i’m thinking it’s a loss, i pick lucio. i try to play him as normal, it’s not working very well. then it clicks with me:

our rein wasn’t getting enough resources. so mid game, i start doing more healing on lucio. it’ll keep my rein up better and more in the fight.

we ended up pushing through all three points with less time than them. this next round when we’re on offense, we get a really good push. my team ended up winning the game.

one of the biggest things with playing as a team is learning how to play with them and how you need to adapt as well. it’s knowing to play ana instead of zen when your tanks are rein/zarya. that as bap, you need to do more healing when you are paired with a zen. things like that.

so back to your main point, there’s not a sweet spot number per se. it’s not necessarily a quota like “okay i have to do 3k damage” or whatever. play your best and do what you must to help your team win


Thanks for all the replies. I need to explain that I actually use overbuff and am just surprised to see my damage stats always in the 50th percentile. That’s why it made me wonder if I should be doing more damage.


Damage stats on Ana is really not important at all, and it also very much dependent by how much damage your team is taken. Landing crucial anti nades to enemy and win the team fights is what really matter on Ana, also sleep darts to shutdown enemy ablities/ult is equally important.(The sleep dart number is also not that important, shutting down critical ults like genji blade once is more important than sleep enemy roadhog outside of his hook range 5 times)