Need ana coaching plat+

Just a gold/silver dps main tryna learn a support hero. If any plat+ ana mains can show me the way of the grandma thatd be 100 af fam

Iā€™m not plat, just high gold, but iā€™m ana/zenyatta main.

I think you should play zen. Heā€™s fun, he deals a good amount of dps while healing, he is meta, he is good at healing fast mooving flankers you often get in QP.
You will like him i think.

But if you are ready to put many efforts learning a hero, to be a punching ball and kind of innefective for your first 10-20h playing him, i should recommand you Ana.

i hate zen. i have more fun playing ana than any other hero except my mains. this is why i posted

Youā€™re very dead-set on getting them to play Zenyatta. Might I ask why when Ana is one of the best and most underutilized picks due to her high skill cap?

Itā€™s not like Zenyatta does all that much healing as it is, plus they require as much team coordination and line of sight to healing targets as Ana does.

And on top of that, Ana can three tap most characters with her biotic rifle, scoped hitscan or not. Zenyatta requires a very precise aim to these targetā€™s head hitbox and 2-3 times (twice with discord, thrice without).

I just give him advice based on my experience. Ofc zen is difficult to master, but he is also much easier than ana when you start playing them, from my personal opinion.
And Op is a former DPS player so i though an off healer who can dps would be a good starter for him.

I had no difficulty to start playing zenyatta (healing and dpsing) and when i wanted to start a 2nd healer, i liked ana and her playstyle (i style love playing ana, she 's one of my mains with +70h) but the beginning was really hard, some games where really painfull.
Healing by aiming target isnā€™t the easy way to begin with, but also her sleep dart is ridiculously hard to land. It took me so many times and hours playing ana to be more consistant with this spell.

So in short, due to her high skill cap, ana isnā€™t for me the first healer someone should try.
I want him to get some cool games when he start healing, i donā€™t want him being frustrated.

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Iā€™m a mid diamond Ana main that can help! I dont play her in comp too often since she isnā€™t really in the meta but I can give tips and such, sheā€™s my most played hero and I know how she works. Just add me! Potfrog#2246 (EU)