Need advice please

So I started playing this game a month ago. I placed gold like most people, climbed to plat using just basic teamwork, and then realized that I should probably work on my mechanics. Now in most games, the way to get better is to play competitive because you see alot of trolling and throwing and unfair mmr matchups in quickplay game modes usually. So i used that knowledge and the knowledge of me being outperformed mechanically to come to the conclusion that I needed to derank myself to get better.

Obviously this was a mistake. I deranked myself to about 1000 SR from a little over 2500 sr. Which surprisingly did not take long but thats not what this post is about lol I did indeed improve my mechanical ability a great deal while i have been playing in bronze for sure I do know that, but here is my issue: It would appear that in bronze there is little to no teamwork in 90% of the games.

So heres where the advice comes in. How do you get around that? Ive tried quite a few things in the last few weeks. Due to the quarantine I am in game quite a bit id say roughly a minimum of 40+ hours a week in competitive and qp modes.

Things ive tried so far

Playing tank and snipers to try to better understand how bronze playstyle really works by analyzing how they usually will move around the map and how they will react to situations. This helped a little bit but for the most part it would appear that they dont really stick with a certain playstyle at all and instead just do whatever they think they have to do, which usually is the wrong thing but again not why im here.

Ive tried to look for “overpowered heroes” but it would appear that this game is actually incredibly well balanced and every hero has a strength and a weakness thus making this an obselete option

I also have tried to enable my teammates by playing characters that would make it easier for them to perform in the match. examples would be playing zarya for a rein mercy comp or like a mercy pocket for a pharah, ashe, or echo. but 9 times out of 10 it would seem that they do not really understand how to play with these situations and ends up usually a waste of a pick in this sr rank.

Lastly i tried counter play, which was basically me predicting what the enemy would play and playing into that accordingly each round. This honestly has been the most effective so far, but it really doesnt solve the problem because even if i can successfully counter 1 or 2 maybe even 3 people on their team, there are still 3 more that could potentially counter my counter or the people im countering could switch off thus evening the matchup to skill making it a 50/50 chance again, and endless swapping is useless in the long run making it a failed tactic in these situations.

So im just asking for suggestions on what to do to potentially better my play to help my climb. I genuinely want to get better at the game and have taken the normal steps do so. I really dont want to hear any “well youve only been playing a month you deserve bronze right now you just need to get better haha noob XDD” thats not helpful at all in any way at all. I just want to know how, if you have, did you get to at least 1500. Im mainly talking in terms of dps, but any role im sure will help if you have tips.

So you deranked yourself 1000 to be better? What the hell man?

Try to post a replay code so someone can review it.

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You deranked far enough that you’ll be unable to climb up, congratulations.


You’re not going to get better by de-ranking.

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I am a support player but have an alt where I play DPS, or trying to learn DPS. Placed bronze, because my DPS is so bad it is embarrassing, and by bad I mean I am ashamed to admit that there are some DPS heroes that I have never played in my history of Overwatch, some that I do not even know how they properly work. To my surprise I climbed to SIlver in like 10 games or something. What I learned is you basically need to kill 3-4 people on your own every fight if you want to win.If you rely on people to do some clean up after you killed 2 or for them to push it will not happen. If you expect to be healed or helped by tanks it will not happen, do not even count on it. Play as close to your team as possible (unless you are playing Widow, but still try to position so that you can run back to your team when needed) and play self-sustaining heroes. Symmetra actually helped me a lot in Bronze because people cannot deal with her turrets or ignore them completely. Soldier, Reaper and Mei are also a good pick.

Do not expect any teamwork, do not tilt at your team, do not expect to be healed by your Ana even if you are standing right in front of her especially if there is a fight going on since she will mostly heal Tanks, big targets that are easy to hit. Healers usually heal you when the fight is over so they have room to breathe so to say. Shield tanks mostly just stand in choke, literally stand without moving, holding their shield until it breaks.

I once lost a match in Bronze on Havana attack where I killed 4 people and my team still could not secure the payload to the first point. Basically once I started killing 3-4 people every fight consistently I won and ranked up.

If he cannot climb from bronze, he clearly didnt belong in gold/plat in the first place :slight_smile:

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Shhhhh… That’s not polite… :sweat_smile:

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Being hardstuck can be quite common.

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Yes it is if you belong in a rank :smiley:

I mean… If you’re hard stuck it simply means you haven’t put forth the effort to correct whatever mistakes are preventing you from maximizing your performance in the toughest games…

At minimum… 33% of all games lost are because “the individual” failed to perform in clutch moments…

Deranked into smurf and thrower hell…and to escape?

Lol…buy a new acct.


Well… That’s quite ironic.

Last time I got out of bronze, i one tricked a hero (soldier).
I think bronze is about finding that hero you’re good with and sticking to it.
Maybe look at your winrate and pick your best hero.

I mean… Picking one hero and learning how to play them well will work in any rank. But at some point you’ll have to swap/counter pick to outplay other players…

Don’t play Genji into La Monke and Moira please… :sweat_smile:

Maybe at some point.
But some players get to GM one tricking Junkrat, Symmetra or Bastion.
Playing a lot of heroes in bronze is a mistake. If you really want to get out of bronze, you should stick to 1 or 2 max.

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wait you can watch my vods or something im confused haha ty for the tips though that helps alot.

Just show us your gameplay if u want help

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LMAO, put this on the wrong topic.

LOL? He is playing game 1 month, why buy new account? :slight_smile:

He actualy ended up where he belongs as new player. When he learns the game more, he will climb if his aim is ok.

Well i wouldnt say that necessarily. it is indeed a different realm of play in bronze, but at the same time its the same. Theres just a slight bit more teamwork and slightly better mechanics in gold than there is in bronze. After all, gold is the majority player base if im not mistaken. Meaning its not exactly great. Just average.

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It was a joke…

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